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Brahmakshatriya Kalpesh Mohanlal

Give me your information

  • If you are Brahmakshatriya
  • OR Married to Brahmakshatriya
  • OR know me (I am from Kapadwanj)


My Favorite Web Sites

Angelfire - Free Home Pages
Web Development & Promotion
Our Designers Group


Thank you for visiting my page at Angelfire. 

I hope your support to build some site. 

  • For Brahmakshatriya Cast with details 
  • For Our Friends Group. 
  • Our Designers Group 

At present we are developing a 2D animation Film and in need of good designers. If you are, Please contact me [kalpeshmb at yahoo with subject ANGELFIRE] 

Thanks, Kalpesh. 
Please come back and visit again!