[ Roleplay Number: 18] [ W/L/D Record: 5 - 4 - 1] [ People Used: JaeVeLi ]
[ People Mentioned:
Mysery, Criag, Natedawg, Maurice Bad, Adrain Quake, Sonny Smith, Scott Bastion, Matt Lucifer, Grimm Jones ]

Myspace Mp3 Player, MySpace MP3 Players, Flash MP3 Players

"Great spirits have always encountered opposition from mediocre minds.
The mediocre mind is incapable of understanding the man
who refuses to bow blindly to conventional prejudices
and chooses instead to express his opinions courageously and honestly."

-Albert Einstein

I'm Suicidal.. So Don't Stand Near Me..

[ Scene opens outside of P Diddy's famous night-club, "Justin's" in New York. People are flowing out of the club, it must be closing time. JaeVeli emerges from the crowd, and slips into a black Cadillac Escalade Limo. He tells the driver to haul ass. And so the limo driver does. The camera pans around to JaeVeli, who just lit a cigarette up, and rolled his window down.. ]

JaeVeli: Fuck.. I had to get out of there, quick. Before temptation took over. I can't have sexual relations before a huge match. I need to be concentrated..

[ JaeVeli closes his eyes, and shakes his head, slightly. He then opens his eyes, before speaking.. ]

JaeVeli: I'm soooo fucked up. That Henn & Coke.. Ain't no joke, son..

[ Jae takes a drag from his cigarette, and exhales, slowly.. ]

JaeVeli: Ahhh.. 24 hours away. Away from a nine man 'Reality Check'. Who-Rah..

Matt Lucifer? Another Adrain Quake? ..Great.

He hasn't been here a week, and already thinks he's leaving the Garden, NA Champ. Are you serious, Matt? ..Do I need to bitch-slap you, son? You might have some muscle. But you're about as dumb, as a box of rocks, bitch. Shall I go on? Shall I continue to verbally cut your throat?

Listen, bra.. You aren't on my level. I'm gonna hit you 10 times, before you even know what's coming..

You call yourself the Messiah? Ha.. Someone needs a Reality Check. You are no messiah, and you are no lucifer. You're a little boy, trapped inside a young man's body. You don't frighten me; you make me laugh. And I just want you, to do me one favor, and yourself a favor.. Learn how to cut a promo and shut your mouth, bitch..

[ Jae smirks, before taking another drag from his cigarette. And as usual, he exhales slowly.. ]

JaeVeli: Idiots make my skin crawl..

Scott Bastion? Grimm Jones? Mysery? Craig? And Natedawg? Get your game up. Show some dedication, for fuck's sake. No? I didn't think so..

Ya'll might as well, just stay in the back. Don't even walk too ringside. Stay home, and save face. You fuckin' losers..

Is that the Hennessey talking? ..Maybe.

Matt Lucifer and Adrian Quake, dumb and dumber, tweetle-dee and tweetle-dumb, have shown more heart then you so-called wrestlers..


About as pathetic as Mysery getting jealous, that kids would rather dress-up as JaeVeli or Sonny Smith.. Than a gothic princess, like himself..

Mysery, this is my time. You're a has-been, never-was.. And I'm still fourthcoming.. Get on my level, slut..

I've wanted this match, for some time, now. And not once, have I ever asked for a title shot. Ever.. I do what I gotta do, and get what I got coming too me. Plain and simple. Everything will come in due time. Everything..

SIW North American Title shot? Unhallowed Desires? Madison Square Garden? I honestly didn't see it coming. But I'm about to grab it by the horns, and man-handle it. Doubt me? I fucking dare you..

[ Jae takes another drag from his cigarette, and exhales through his nose.. ]

JaeVeli: Like I said before, I'm on top of my game. I put my blood, sweat, and tears into this shit. And no matter what I say, I respect most of you. Most of you. I don't under-estimate anyone. And that even includes Natedawg. I know, I don't come off that way. But it's true..

When the bell rings.. I'm fighting to the death. 'Til my last breath..

Come correct, or don't come at all..

[ JaeVeli yet again, takes another drag from the cigarette, and blows it in front of the camera. As the scene fades to black.. ]

2006 © Sik-Widdit Productionz.