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House Photo Album
House Photo Album
Though it took over two years to get selected and started, I believe it was mid September 2006 when this journey started...
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Ground Breaking 9-20-06 
Came home from Fairmont to find them already hard at work, digging out the footer.

Comments (10) | Add a Comment

I couldn't be happier for you!! I love seeing this progress!
Congratulations and I hope you will be very happy in your new home! love, Mel
MELODY | | October 19, 2006

the green is so gorgeous. Makes me homesick.
cynthia | | October 24, 2006

Mom & Dad would be so happy and proud!
#3 | October 27, 2006

You are such a sweet person and you truly deserve this beautiful new home. I am so happy that you kept it on the land your parents developed. I think they are smiling.
Donna Davis | | November 01, 2006

Mary, these pictures are AWESOME! You did a great job and I was so very impressed with the great job Jay did too! Enjoy many happy years in your new home!
Donna | | January 06, 2007

OMG Mary! Absolutely gorgeous.....
the wreath and the door are my pretty. I can feel your smile from here.......
Enjoy, enjoy, enjoy!
Happy New Year in your New home
Love ya girl.........All my best to Jay!
Jane :) | | January 06, 2007

WOW!! .... Amazing pictures Mary. Your new home looks beautiful and I wish you many years of happiness in it.
The first picture looks like it was taken in Ireland!!

Best wishes for 2007


Anne (Kelly) | | January 06, 2007

I love your "fudge" living room suite. The pillows are awesome. Looks like from beginning to finally being cozy has been fun. Enjoy your new home. Can't wait to stop by. Donna D
Donna Davis | | January 07, 2007

Looks great. Hope you are happy with the result of all our hard work. I am proud of you and all that you have done. Keep you head up. Net
annette | | January 08, 2007

oh mary i love it!!!!!!! all of it. i can't wait to see it in person. let me know when you work so i can come and visit.
KATHY | | January 11, 2007