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I am Alpha

I am Alpha

1st book of Alpha Pack Mates

Chapter 9 and Epilogue

Disclaimer: Inuyasha and all of it's characters are property of the brilliant Takahashi-sama and I claim no ownership of them. Only the story belongs to me.

Summary: It matters not if you are youkai or ningen, if you're male or female, young or old, weak or strong, no it matters not in the end. All that matters is who is Alpha and who isn't. Brothers fighting for dominance, mikos fighting for control, who will end on top, who will have to submit? What's an Inu pack to do when there are far too many Alphas?

Pairings: Inuyasha/Kikyou, Sango/Miroku, slight Sesshoumaru/Kagome.

Follows: The Anime and movies.

"spoken" 'thought' (translations)

This chapter is dedicated to Nami on fan fiction and Sevor from my website, since no one on single spark guessed the correct answer, for the correct answer of Bleach. Gratz you two.

AN: I had planned on giving you guys some notice, but I didn't realize until I started writing this chapter that I was out of storyline for I am Alpha! Since the last chapter and the epilogue are so small I went ahead and put them both on the same update. There will still be unanswered questions, but they will be addressed in the next book. Thank you all for your support and reviews and I look forward to seeing you all at my next book in this series, They are Pack! I plan on writing the outline before I start writing it so while waiting, feel free to check out my other stories.

Edited 2/14/08

He had done it. It took him two days, a treacherous climb up a steep mountain and battling dozens of demons, but he had done it. Kouga breathed a sigh of relief when he was once again at the bottom of the mountain. He had no doubt she wouldn't turn him down this time and it all would have been worth it.

Opening his hand, he glanced down at the large, pink diamond he had just risked his life to obtain. Ginta was right, females love jewelry and there was no way a certain miko would say no when he presented her with this piece.

All he had to do now was make his way back to her group, give her the necklace and bring her back to his den, where she would become his mate as soon as was possible. He had waited long enough as it was, and he was tired of waiting.

The mutt-face was out of his way, the monk wasn't interested in her in that way and there were no others after her hand. She would stop putting off the inevitable. 'And it was about time.' Kouga thought to himself with his trademark arrogant smirk gracing his handsome face.

Closing his fingers back around the jewel, Kouga turned and began heading off toward the place where he had last seen the group. It seemed the best spot for him to start his search for his woman. The wait had been worth it, but now it was time for her to learn her place as his mate.

Well it was official, I had completely embarrassed myself in front of Sesshoumaru last night at the hot springs. It seems he had just wanted to see if he could find out what attracts others to me, rather than, well being attracted to me. So of course, I just had to tell him we could give it a go when he was back to normal. Kami why did I have to say something so stupid?

Knowing my luck, he might want to kill me when he's back to normal for thinking I was even on the same page as him. Which is exactly why I stopped the kiss in the first place, I didn't want him to hate me any more. Though I have no idea how, some how during our journey together Sesshoumaru had become one of my friends.

Well way to go Kagome, you really screw that one up didn't you. Kami I hope he doesn't take it out on Inuyasha when he's back to being a demon, they are finally starting to have some kind of a relationship that doesn't involve wanting to kill each other.

Maybe he'll just continued doing what he's been doing since this morning, pretending it never happened. He's barely even looked my way all day. Even during the battle a little while ago, not even a grunt in reply when I told him where the large chunk of the jewel was on the demon's body. Not a nod or anything.

And guessing by the looks Inuyasha has been giving me all day, I think he knows something is going on. I just hope he doesn't know what. This of course brings me to my little problem. See during the battle, since the demon had such a large shard, the group had taken quite a few injuries. None too serious thankfully, but Inuyasha, Miroku, Jaken and Sesshoumaru have been injured.

So of course, Sango was tending to Miroku, Kikyou was tending to Inuyasha and even Rin was doing her best to bandage poor Jaken. He's beginning to look more like a mummy than a toad demon. This of course left me to tend to...yep you guessed it...Sesshoumaru. So here I stand, bandages in one hand, a cloth to clean his wounds in the other, just staring at him.

He doesn't look at me, doesn't speak to me, not even to complain as I finally start to tend to his wounds. “I'm done.” I told him barely above a whisper when I had finished. He pulled his haori back on but still didn't utter a word to me. Sighing, I stood and turned back to the others, who had all finished up as well.

“Sango why don't you and Miroku take the kids to bathe. We'll set up camp here for the night.” I decided and with in moments could see Inuyasha about to object. “We need to rest so the wounds will heal. Be good and don't complain and I will make ramen for dinner.” I told Inuyasha knowing it was my best chance to win him over.

He seemed to think about for a moment before 'feh'ing and climbing into a nearby tree, followed by Kikyou. Shaking my head at him, I turned to see Sango and the others had left and walked over to Jaken. “Want me to fix those?” I asked with a smile as I knelt down next to him and began removing the excess bandages.

“Thank you miko-san.” Jaken replied breathing a sigh of relief. “She tries.” he whispered and I wasn't sure if he was really talking to me or merely thinking out loud, so I just smiled in reply. Soon he was bandaged correctly and I stood to begin making dinner.

A few hours after we had put the children to bed Sango and Miroku had decided to go for a walk, not long after Inuyasha and Kikyou had as well. So that left only Sesshoumaru and I still awake in camp. Deciding if I was going to get him to talk to me about what had happened, it would be the when the others weren't around.

As I walked over and sat down next to me, like he had for the entire day, he didn't even look my way. Sighing, I dove right in. “Are you mad at me Lord Sesshoumaru?” I questioned and after he looked over and merely raised an eyebrow, I continued. “For what I said at the springs last night.”

“No.” he responded after a moment. That was it, a one word answer, no elaborating, no explaining his behavior today, just 'no'.

“Okay then why the cold shoulder today?” I questioned, still not completely convinced that he wasn't mad at me. If not for my parting line, then at least since I had turned him down and I doubt that happens very often, if ever.

“Cold shoulder?” he repeated, turning toward me fully. I gave him a look that clearly stated I was not about to believe he didn't know how he had been treating me and waited for him to continue. “You wish for it to go no further while I remain human, I am insuring that it doesn't.”

“At the cost of being my friend? That's not what I wanted Lord Sesshoumaru. It's not right to take advantage when you are not fully yourself, but that doesn't mean I want to lose what we have developed in the way of friendship since you joined us.”

“You consider me a friend miko-san?” he questioned, apparently deciding to ignore the rest of what I had said. But he was talking to me and in full sentences so I wasn't about to complain.

“Yes I do Lord Sesshoumaru. And even if things go back to the way they were when you are turned back into a demon, I will probably keep on thinking of you that way.” I told him honestly without having to think about it. That was just the way it was with me, once a friend, always a friend. No matter what they did or who they were.

“Why? Why are you so nice to me, even with what I have done to you and your friends in the past, and may very well do once again when I am a demon?” he inquired after a few moments of silence.

“For many reasons Lord Sesshoumaru. For one you have earned the right to be called my friend. And two? You're the only family Inuyasha has left. This is the closest you two have ever gotten to getting along and I will do everything in my power to make it work. Even if it's just for a little while.”

“Why do you wish to help him so much?”

“Because I love him.” I told him without hesitation, not missing the slight flash in his eyes.

“But he betrayed you with the undead miko, how can you be so loyal to one who is not loyal to you?”

“I used to think that he was betraying me too, but when I really thought about it I realized he never did. Inuyasha never said or acted like he wanted me for his mate. And any time he came close, it wasn't me he was thinking of, it was her. Besides he has no control over who he loves and who am I to fault him for that, when I myself have no control over who I fall in love with.

“I used to think that Inuyasha and I could one day be more than just friends. And it took me a while, but I finally figured out what had been in front of my eyes from the very beginning. He and I are more than just friends, more than just mates.” I told him and turned to glance to the side when I heard the leaves rustle. I smiled seeing Inuyasha and Kikyou standing there, a smile on his face.

Turning back to Sesshoumaru, I found him staring at me with a raised eyebrow, his version of a confused expression I'm guessing. I couldn't help it, I giggled. Really it should have been obvious. “He's family. He's my brother. To me, it is far better.”

The next morning dawned beautifully, but it was not to last. Mere minutes after finishing breakfast Inuyasha and I just glanced at each other and shook our heads. Neither of us need say what they felt, or smelled as the case maybe, to know what was incoming.

Sighing, I waited for the dust cloud to settle down to reveal a certain wolf prince standing in front of me. Resisting the urge to roll my eyes, I merely waited for what I knew was coming. His 'your my woman' speech. “This is for you Kagome.” Kouga told me with a grin as he held out his hand. Glancing down I found him holding out a pink diamond necklace.

Seems he had given up on flowers and switched to jewelry. So he decided to try to court me as a human would since the demon way didn't work? Lovely. “Kouga, dear Kouga, you are my friend and I care for you greatly. But it doesn't matter if you court me in the ways of humans or demons, my answer will remain the same. I will never be your mate, it's time you come to accept that.”

“But you are my woman and besides I'm better than mutt-face and there isn't anyone else after you.” he told me sounding so sure of himself. Ouch, did he have to make it sound like I was so unwanted? I thought briefly about mentioning Sesshoumaru, but since I really wasn't sure what he wanted and I doubted he would want me to tell everyone, I decided it wouldn't be a good idea.

I realized trying to tell him that I would only see him as a friend wasn't going to work, and I doubted I could convinced him that he wasn't what I wanted, I decided to take an approach he might understand. “Kouga even if I was to become your mate, I would never leave my pack. Could you see yourself being in a pack where Inuyasha was the alpha male? Take orders from him? Be loyal to him?”

“Of course not! I am Kouga, prince of the wolf tribe, I would never bow before a half-breed like mutt-face.”

“It can't be both ways Kouga. My mate would join my pack, not the other way around. I realize this might not be how it is normally done, but this is a matriarchal pack. This is my pack and I will never abandon them. Go find Ayame and fulfill your promise to her as you should have done from the beginning. I pray you are not too late, us girls won't wait around forever.” Turning around, I walked over to start searching through my backpack, I wasn't really looking for anything, just hoping that he would get the hint that the conversation was over.

Behind me I could hear Kouga take off after a few minutes of silence and I hoped I hadn't been too hard on the wolf. I didn't want to lose him as a friend but I was tired of him just deciding that I was 'his woman' and not wanting to listen when I told him I wasn't.

The few days passed by with us earning a few shards, but the rest of the time it had been quiet. We had just started walking again after lunch when I felt the presence of an incoming shard. “We've got another one incoming Inuyasha!” I called out, making sure he could hear me at the front of the group.

“Everyone get ready.” Inuyasha told us even as everyone was getting into their positions and readying themselves for battle. After a moment, a large bear demon landed in front of us growling. Judging by his size, I would guess that he was using the shard to make himself larger as I had seen with a few other demons.

Giving the demon a quick once over, I spotted the shard easily. “In his right paw Inuyasha!” I called out gaining the attention of the demon who turned to come charging at me. But Inuyasha and Sesshoumaru quickly got into his path and he changed his course to attack them.

The battle had begun and it was quickly evident that even with the shard, he would be no match for the brothers. The others stayed out of their way, but kept themselves ready in case things took a turn for the worse.

We need not have worried though as with the first 'Wind Scar' the demon was destroyed. As I walked over to pick up the shard, I noticed Sesshoumaru removing something from the pile of what had once been a bear demon as well.

“It is the last item I need.” he explained holding up a claw before adding it to the rest of the items we had collected since our visit to the sorceress.

“That's great. Now you just have to wait for the next new moon.” I replied with a smile. Holding my hand out for the rest of the jewel, I waited until Kikyou had handed it over so I could fuse them together before holding it up for everyone to see. “Looks like just about half of it.”

“Going much quicker this time.” Inuyasha replied with a laugh before heading away from the battlefield. I handed the jewel back to Kikyou with a smile, before we followed after him. He was right, it was going much quicker. Now the only question was what were we going to do once we had finished our quest. Well that and what Sesshoumaru planned on doing once he was back to being a demon.

The new moon was upon us once again and after spotting a cave hidden deep in the mountains, the group decided to stay there until after Inuyasha had turned back into a half-demon. We had just finished setting up camp when Sesshoumaru approached the rest of the group.

“I will be heading out once the transformation takes place, it will be faster if I go by cloud. Watch over Rin under I return.”

“Of course Lord Sesshoumaru.” I told him with a smile before turning to glance at the girl in question. With as close as she had been getting to Souta, I doubted we could get them apart even if we wanted to right now.

As I turned back to the others, the last rays of sun disappeared and both brothers began transforming. Once it was finished, Inuyasha turned toward Sesshoumaru and nodded. He gave a slight nod of his own before turning around to Jaken. “If anything happens to Rin...” he warned, letting the threat hang in the air. Something tells me they had already been through this many times.

“Of course Lord Sesshoumaru.” Jaken assured bowing before the demon lord. Sesshoumaru turned and walked toward the mouth of the cave, his cloud forming at his feet the moment he had reached the outside. I watched until he was out of sight before turning back to the others.

“So what's going to happen once he's back to normal?” Sango questioned after a few minutes of silence. The others seem to think about it as well as everyone remained silent.

“I don't know.” I decided, realizing I really had no idea what Sesshoumaru planned on doing, but it didn't really matter. “Whatever he chooses, he will be welcome to return. I some how doubt things will go back to exactly as they were before.”

“I have been expecting you Lord Sesshoumaru. Come in.” Aki (autumn) greeted as she opened her door to the demon lord. As she stepped out of the way, Sesshoumaru entered the modest hut and sat on a cushion near the table.

“You have everything?” she questioned and he reached into the folds of his silk haori and pulled out the items he had gathered before setting them down on the table. “Very good. It won't take long.” she assured as she collected the items and headed back behind a small curtain.

A few minutes later she emerged carrying a small vial, which she held out for Sesshoumaru. “Drink it and all will be as it once was.” she told him with a slight smile. Sesshoumaru stared at the vial for a moment before taking it from her and bringing it to his nose. “Not that you would have believed me, but it is not poisoned Lord Sesshoumaru. I gain nothing from your death.”

Sesshoumaru glanced up at her for a moment before giving her a slight nod and drinking the contents of the vial. He knew she wasn't lying, he would have been able to tell, and there was no strange smells coming from the vial so he deemed it safe.

Sesshoumaru stiffened ever so slightly as the liquid began coursing through his veins. He could feel his demon side coming back to the surface. A slight growl escaped his lips as he thought back over everything that had happened since he had been cursed. He took a mental note of things he would have done differently.

Once the effects had finished, Sesshoumaru stood and after a slight nod, began making his way out of the hut. “Take the past as a way to reflect on mistakes you have made, learn the lesson that was there for you. If not, everything was in vain.” Aki called after him. He paused for a moment in the doorway, before continuing outside.

Just as Sesshoumaru stepped out of the sorceress's hut, a full time demon for the first time in months, he found a messenger waiting for him. He glanced over at the young inu demon before raising an elegant eyebrow. “Speak.”

“Lord Sesshoumaru, there is a pressing matter in the West that needs your immediate attention.” the demon replied keeping his head bowed.

Fighting the urge to sigh, Sesshoumaru thought for a moment before responding. “Have the den ready for my return.” he instructed before gathering his cloud at his feet and heading back toward where he left the others.

We had just finished breakfast the next morning, when a demon Sesshoumaru returned to the cave. I could hear the others shift nervously around me, but I paid them no mind and glanced up at Sesshoumaru. “How does it feel?”

“Right.” he replied after a moment and turned toward Jaken. “This Sesshoumaru has been called back to the West to deal with a problem. You and Rin will remain with the others.” he instructed the little toad before turning and heading back out of the cave.

Glancing over at the others, I could see the questions written on their faces, but it seemed no one wanted to be the one to ask what we were all wanting the answer to. Inuyasha's eyes seemed to plead with me to ask, and with a sigh, I turned back around to Sesshoumaru's retreating back.

“Will you be returning to us Lord Sesshoumaru?” I questioned stopping him as he reached the mouth of the cave. He paused for a moment before glancing back at me from over his shoulder.

“An inu always returns to his pack.” he replied before walking away and disappearing into the forest outside of the cave.


Since we were running low on supplies the group had decided to make it's way back toward the village. Once we had dropped the others off with Kaede, Inuyasha and I made our way toward the well. Only this time it was only me that was going to cross over to the future.

I had figured it had been long enough for me to not worry about some one spotting me and Inuyasha planned to come for me if I took more than two hours. Mostly I just wanted to prove that I could do things on my own without always needing protection.

He hadn't want to go along with it a first, worried for my safety and such, but I finally managed to talk Inuyasha into letting me go by myself. I had seen Kikyou sending him glances all day and figured she wanted a chance to talk to him.

So as we arrived at the well, I bid him goodbye and jumped in, letting the blue light surround me. As I climbed out of the other side, my mind began to wonder about what was still to come. So many questions were left unanswered with our group.

“Inuyasha.” Kikyou began as she left the cover of the forest and headed toward him as he was making his way back from the well. “Why haven't we mated yet?” she questioned seriously and watched as Inuyasha sighed before sitting down and leaning against a tree.

He waited until she had joined him before answering, “I wanted to make sure everything would work out between you and the pack.” He risked glancing over at her and could easily see the hurt in her eyes. “Don't worry Kikyou, with as great as you are doing, it won't be long. I'm sorry but it had to be this way. I wouldn't have been much of a man if I put my wants before the pack's happiness and safety.”

Kikyou thought about it for a moment before nodding her head in understanding. Once she really thought about it, she couldn't really blame him.

“I'm glad Kohaku is making so many friends.” Sango told Miroku with a smile as he sat down next to her in the field where she had been watching the children play.

“So am I.” he replied as he wrapped his arm around her waist and pulled her tight against him. “I do believe it is time to start making our wedding plans.” he told her softly as he rested his chin on the top of her head.

“That all depends on if you are going to behave. There's no point in planning a wedding that isn't going to happen if you can't keep your lecherous ways in check.” Sango warned as she glanced up at him, all the while fingering the ring on her finger.

“While I can promise not to be a hentai with other women, I can not in good faith, swear to being able to keep my hands off of you.” Miroku replied with a suggestive grin, causing Sango to blush heavily. “That is a very lovely color on you my dear Sango.”

Sango swatted his arm playfully, unable to keep the blush or smile from spreading. “So I was thinking, maybe early spring out in a flower covered field...”

Please R&R, good and bad reviews are welcome, however, I will ignore flames.