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I am Alpha

I am Alpha

1st book of Alpha Pack Mates

Chapter 6

Disclaimer: Inuyasha and all of it's characters are property of the brilliant Takahashi-sama and I claim no ownership of them. Only the story belongs to me.

Summary: It matters not if you are youkai or ningen, if you're male or female, young or old, weak or strong, no it matters not in the end. All that matters is who is Alpha and who isn't. Brothers fighting for dominance, mikos fighting for control, who will end on top, who will have to submit? What's an Inu pack to do when there are far too many Alphas?

Pairings: Inuyasha/Kikyou, Sango/Miroku, slight Sesshoumaru/Kagome.

Follows: The Anime and movies.

"spoken" 'thought' (translations)

Winners for this round are Nami on fan fiction and Catherine on single spark for the correct answer of Death Note. This chapter is dedicated to them. Gratz you two.

Next round of 'What Anime could this be the name of?' Magnum Crypt Good luck everyone.

AN: Okies guys I've got a quick question. I can not seem to find the time to get this done in two weeks so would you rather I shortened the length of the chapters or change the time for updates? By the way I realize this chapter is a little bit shorter than the others, but I really wanted this to end where it does and couldn't think of anything else to add that wouldn't move things off track.

Edited 2/14/08

Early the next morning, after a quick breakfast, our group was once again on the road heading away from the village and searching for rumors of shards. With the cold breeze already starting to come in, I was glad I had grabbed mine and Souta's winter jackets, since we would be needing them before long.

The first day back on the road passed quietly without so much as a youkai showing up for either the shards or to fight Sesshoumaru. Not a single shard came into my range other than the ones I carried. To put it mildly, the day was boring.

We had traveled throughout the day, only stopping for a short lunch before continuing on our way again. Now it was an hour or so after dinner and already the children were fast asleep. Inuyasha and Kikyou had disappeared into a nearby tree right after dinner and Sango and Miroku were curled up sleeping peacefully.

Rin and Shippo were currently sharing my sleeping bag while Souta and Kohaku shared his. I would join the two little ones soon but wanted some quiet time to myself before I turned in for the night. Glancing over at Sesshoumaru, I found him leaning against a tree like normal, but he was shivering.

'Guess he isn't used to the cold with his human body.' I decided as I moved over to my bag and pulled out an extra blanket before walking over to him and covering him up with it. He opened his violet eyes and glared at me. "Oh stuff it Lord Sesshoumaru. What kind of a pack mother would I be if I let one of the members freeze to death?" I questioned rhetorically before turning and heading over to my sleeping bag.

As I climbed in, I pulled the two children closer to me to help share our body heat and zipped up the sleeping bag. Closing my eyes, I allowed the quiet rhyme of their breathing loll me to sleep, knowing all too soon Inuyasha would be up demanding we get up and head out.

In the tree above the small camp Inuyasha pulled Kikyou's body closer to his own while she rests. He had learned quickly that like himself, she never slept but would rest her eyes. Below him he could hear the small one-sided conversation Kagome had with his half-brother.

'She's right. She is the pack mother. I wonder if anyone realizes how lucky we are to have her in our pack? I doubt my idiot half-brother does.' Inuyasha thought to himself with a frown as he glanced down at his brother, who had pulled the blanket up to his neck before re-closing his eyes.

'And since when did I start thinking of that bastard as part of my pack? Better yet why doesn't it seem strange that I do?' Inuyasha wondered as he stared out toward the horizon, waiting for the first signs of dawn approaching before getting down from the tree and waking the others.

Morning had dawned and again we were heading down the road. The group was quiet except for the children who were running around and playing games. Everything was going rather peaceful until we hit a slight fork in the road.

"We need to keep heading East." Inuyasha insisted as he glared at his brother. The kids went off to play with Jaken trailing behind as Sango and Miroku sat down to wait for them to make up their minds.

"This Sesshoumaru believes it would be better to go West." Sesshoumaru replied in his normal 'I am bored with you' tone. Inuyasha's response was of course a growl. Thankfully I sensed a jewel shard before the fight could get physical.

"Nope you're both wrong." I told them as I turned and started heading toward the south. We really need to have a sit down later today so this doesn't happen again.

"What makes you say that imouto-chan?" Inuyasha called after me as the rest of the group joined me, leaving only the two brothers and Kikyou standing there.

"There's a shard this way." I called back over my shoulder with a smirk. Soon enough both brothers were following along behind me as well. It didn't take us long to find the demon who currently had a shard in his possession.

Figuring he would be as weak as the others lately, I merely notched an arrow back and let it fly toward the demon who was currently attacking an old man. Soon as the arrow hit, he was purified and I walked over to retrieve the shard as I shouldered my bow.

I heard Inuyasha's huff from behind me, probably annoyed that he wasn't able to fight the demon, but ignored him as I started making my way over to the man. A quick check of him proved he only had a few minor scratches. Seemed the demon hadn't been there long before I sensed him.

"Where do you live?" I questioned the old man and once he had pointed toward his village, I started leading him back that way. Soon we had reached the village and a young woman ran toward us.

“Grandfather you are alright!” she cheered as she wrapped her arms around him in a warm embrace. “Thank you so much for bringing my grandfather home, we were so worried about him. He wandered away from the village while my back was turned.”

“No problem.” I told her with a smile and then noticed a movement behind me. Glancing over my shoulder I could see Miroku beginning to make his way toward her, already his hands were raised as if he were holding onto another's hands.

A quick glare from Sango, and he moved back where he was and cleared his throat before grinning sheepishly at Sango. I rolled my eyes at the monk and turned back to the girl in front of me. “We should be on our way, good luck with your grandfather.”

She returned my smile and began to lead the elderly man back toward the small hut she had come from. Turning around, I smiled at the others and began walking back out of the village. Thankfully this time the demons in the group received no rude looks.

“Jaken can you and Ah-Un go watch the children while we make lunch?” I requested as I turned toward him with a smile after Sango had set up a small camp fire and I began to pull out packets of ramen.

“Sure miko-san.” he agreed as he gestured toward the children and started moving them away from the small camp.

Without looking up from the fire where I had started making dinner, I began speaking to the others. “I think we all need to have a pack meeting. You two can't keep fighting over who is going to lead the way as it will only hurt the pack. And since I doubt either of you are planning on backing down, I have a better idea.

“When you both want to head a different way, just tell me the reason why and I will decide which to go. This way there isn't a bunch of fighting within the pack.” I suggested hoping as long as they got their say in it, they wouldn't fight me too much for having the final decision.

“Wouldn't it be better if I pick the direction? I know the land better than you.” Kikyou pointed out drawing our attention to her. Truthfully I agreed with her, but I doubt the others would agree to follow her lead.

“You have a point Kikyou, however, most still do not trust you and would not want to follow your lead. Keep working on it and I will be happy to discuss this with you again.” I told her with a smile as I glanced up at her before turning back to the ramen.

“Sounds like a good plan imouto-chan, can't promise anything but I'll try.” Inuyasha assured me, his eyes not leaving the ramen, apparently he was very hungry.

“Thank you anija-chan, that's all I ask.” I replied with a smile, not bothering to look for an answer from Sesshoumaru since I doubted I would get one.

Soon lunch was ready and I called Jaken and the children back as I passed out the bowls. Once we were finished, and the bowls had been washed, we repacked up camp and headed back in search of the next shard.

It had been a few days since we met up with the last demon and so far Inuyasha and Sesshoumaru hadn't been fighting too much over which way to go. When they did disagree, they asked me to chose, though it didn't seem like Sesshoumaru liked taking 'orders' from me.

We had decided to take a break for today since there were no shards within my sensing range and the kids had been a bit over worked since we began searching for the shards again. So we were just sitting around and talking or watching the children color when Kouga decided to show up.

“Inuyasha two shards.” “That smelly wolf is here.” we told each other at the same time. A moment later a cloud of dust appeared in front of us and when it dispersed instead of Kouga holding my hands like he normally did, he dropped a dead boar at my feet.

“Eww.” I squeaked as I jumped back away from it. I mean, what would you have done if someone just dropped a dead animal at your feet? Inuyasha began growling and cracking his knuckles as he started toward Kouga.

“What do you think you are doing flee bag?” Inuyasha demanded as he stepped in between Kouga and I. I refrained from replying 'throwing a dead animal at someone', but it wasn't very easy.

“What does it look like mutt? Giving my woman a gift.” Kouga growled as he glared at Inuyasha before looking over his shoulder at me with a grin. I heard a sound coming from behind me, and if had come from anyone else I would swear that it was a chuckle, however, it came from Sesshoumaru.

“And what exactly do you find so funny?” I demanded as I turned to glare at him, this was so not the time for Sesshoumaru to suddenly develop a sense of humor.

“It is a courting gift.” he explained as he nodded toward the carcass, mirth clear as day in his violet eyes. Turning back to a smug looking Kouga, I had to force myself not to scream, it didn't last long.

“Kouga what in the name of Kami is your problem?! I already told you that I wasn't interested in you as anything other than a friend. Why can't you get that through that thick head of your's that I'm not your woman and dropping some dead animal at my feet isn't going to change that. You are so lucky that you don't have a rosary on right now cause I would SIT you to the seven hells and back right now!” I screamed at him and felt bad about it a second later, not because I had yelled at Kouga, but because I had just sat poor Inuyasha. “Anija-chan I am so sorry.”

He of course responded by some curses muffled by the dirt. I smiled sheepishly at him before turning back to glare at Kouga. “I think it's time you leave.” I told him before turning and heading for the campfire. After a moment I heard him leave and felt someone glaring at my back and glanced over my shoulder to see Kikyou. “Yes?”

“You should just take the rosary off of him. You have no right to continue like you own him.” she spat at me and I wanted to scream again, both for her not seeing the obvious and since she was pretty much back where she had started from.

“Look Kikyou, I haven't used the rosary since he first told me you two were getting together, not counting a second ago of course.” I paused to grin sheepishly at Inuyasha again before turning back to her, “But the rosary stays on for two reasons. One he needs it to be able to go back and forth with me through the well and two, in case he becomes full demon again I have to be able to stop him and protect the others.”

“I can stop him, it's not even your job anymore.” she sneered at me draining away what little patients I still had with her every second. Which really wasn't all that much to begin with.

“That may very well be Kikyou but I am not about to take the chance where my pack is concerned and Inuyasha wouldn't want me to.” I told her and turned my back ending the conversation. If I talked to her any longer about the same damn stuff I am liable to strangle her.

“Kagome-chan?” Rin began as she walked over to me as I was getting ready to start making dinner for the group. The rest of the day had passed without any problems and I couldn't wait to get back on the road tomorrow just for something to do.

“Yes Rin?” I questioned as I glanced over at her with a smile. She was showing off a toothy grin that I'm sure even Sesshoumaru as a demon had problems not responding with his own smile.

“Can I do anything to help?” she wondered her smile becoming even brighter, if that was even possible, and of course I couldn't say no to a face like that, if I had even wanted to. Which of course I didn't.

“Sure can you help Shippo and Souta gather some more wood?” I inquired as I nodded toward the two boys that were on the edge of the clearing gathering firewood. She nodded her head, still smiling, and handed me a small flower. I smiled back wondering where she managed to find a live flower this late in the season, but figured if anyone could find one it would be her.

As I watched her skip off to the boys, I placed the flower behind my ear and finished getting out what I would need to cook. Glancing over at Sesshoumaru, who currently had meat preparing duty, I found him leaning against a nearby tree with a small flower behind his ear.

I did my best to hold back the giggle that was threatening to come from my lips. I mean really what would you do if you saw the 'killing perfection' with a small flower behind his now human ear? “My hands were busy when she came over.” he explained to my unasked questioned as he stood and came over to the fire with the meat Kouga had dropped off.

“Of course.” I agreed as I turned away to hide the smirk I couldn't quite keep in. He, of course, decided to ignore me and just went back to the tree he had been leaning against after washing his hands.

As I was putting the meat on the spit to hang over the fire, I caught sight of a Soul Stealer out of the corner of my eye. It was currently circling around the camp right outside of the clearing. “Away from the camp Kikyou.” I told her not bothering to look at her but continued to stare at the unwanted company.

I could feel her glaring at my back, more than likely hoping it would catch fire, before she stormed out of camp. After she was out of hearing range, Sango spoke up, “Inuyasha I know you really want it to, but it just doesn't seem to be working out with her in the group. All she seems to do is cause problems for everyone, especially Kagome-chan.”

“I have to agree Inuyasha, and I still don't believe Lady Kagome is safe around her.” Miroku agreed shaking his head sadly. Glancing up I quickly caught Inuyasha's eyes with my own and wanted to cry at the haunted look in his eyes.

I really shouldn't give her any more chances but it wasn't like she could really hurt me. All I would have to do is take my soul back. Giving Inuyasha a slight smile I turned toward the others. “Give her a little more time guys. It's gonna take some time for her to get used to how we do things. She's used to being in charge and on her own, it's hard to go from that to being at the bottom of the list.” I explained to them as I tended to the meat.

“Kagome-chan we want to give her a chance for Inuyasha and for you, but I don't trust her. You're my sister, you know that, and if something happens because we didn't protect you from her I would never be able to forgive myself.” Sango replied as she moved to sit next to me and wrapped her arms around me.

“I know but don't worry guys, if she decides to be stupid enough to try anything to hurt me, I will just take my soul back. She already knows this and so I highly doubt she would do something stupid, especially when I have so many friends around.” I assured them with a smile.

Kikyou followed her Soul Stealer until she was a ways away from the camp and then leaned up against a tree as they came to her and dropped off the souls they had collected, rejuvenating her. 'I should just steal my soul back from her. My copy isn't strong enough to take it from me no matter what she says.' Kikyou thought to herself as she closed her eyes and felt the tingling sensation fill her body where the souls entered.

'But if I killed my stupid copy I might lose Inuyasha and then everything would be pointless.' As the Soul Stealers left the area, Kikyou opened her eyes and glanced around. Standing up, she began heading back toward the camp. As she neared the clearing, thoughts of how to get right of her copy floating through her mind, she could hear laughter coming from the group.

Peering into the clearing, she spotted Kagome, Inuyasha Miroku and Sango sitting around the campfire talking amongst themselves and laughing at something she couldn't hear. 'Why does she get everything that should be mine? What will it take for them to treat me like they treat her? Why can't I just get a break, just once?' Kikyou wondered to herself sadly as she gazed longingly at the group as the children ran up to hide behind Kagome as Shippo tried to tag them.

The next day was spent traveling from dawn to a little after lunch, then Inuyasha decided to rest for the night then rather than continuing on til dusk like he normally would. Most of us already knew his reasoning so we didn't bother to ask.

Glancing toward the horizon, I could see the first sign of the sun beginning to set and turned toward Inuyasha in question. I could tell by the look he was giving me that he knew my unasked question. He nodded slightly toward the forest behind us and, confused, I stood and began following after him, wondering why he hadn't left the camp already.

Tonight was the night of the new moon, first one we had, had since Sesshoumaru joined the group in fact. As we left the clearing, I could see Miroku and Sango sending me worried glances as well. Guess I wasn't the only one wondering why he was still in the camp.

Glancing back toward Inuyasha, I noticed he had stopped a little ways out of the camp and I jogged to catch up to him. “Shouldn't you be heading out already anija-chan?” I questioned as I took a seat on the log next to him after he had sat down.

“I'm gonna give him a chance. If he can trust me enough to let me see him at his weakest, then I can do the same. Besides he might be a bastard, but he isn't a coward and he would have to be one to try and use my human night against me.” he replied as he looked down at his hands, sounding almost like he was wanting me to reassure him and his faith in his brother.

“I agree anija-chan. When you transformed into full demon mode before he could have killed you once he had knocked you out, but he said he wanted you to know it was him killing you. If he didn't want to kill you just because you weren't in control, I doubt he would want to kill you while you were human either. There just wouldn't be any challenge in him defeating you once he turns back into a demon while you are on your human night. So I really don't think he will use it against you in the future, he just seems to have more honor than that.” I assured him as I wrapped my arm around him and leaned my head to rest it on his shoulder.

As we walked back into the camp the others stared at him in shock, considering the sun had began to sink below the horizon, but he ignored them and plopped down next to the fire.

“Inuyasha shouldn't you perhaps be scouting the area?” Miroku wondered after a moment, deciding to talk in 'code' rather than come right out and ask why he was still there when he was about to turn human.

“Nope. When is dinner?” he questioned as he turned toward me, further ignoring Miroku.

“Starting it now.” I told him with a smile as I shook my head and began taking out what I would need for dinner.

“Kagome-chan do you think this is a good idea?” Sango questioned as she quickly glanced at Sesshoumaru before looking back at me.

“This is his choice and I agree with him.” I replied with a smile as I placed the pot full of water over the fire. I glanced up and locked eyes with Inuyasha as the effects of the new moon began to take over. Within moments it was finished and a completely human Inuyasha was sitting across from me, his eyes never leaving my own.

It seemed neither of us wanted to look Sesshoumaru's way to see how he was taking it, however, a gasp from Rin had us turning toward her. She was smiling at a very demon Sesshoumaru. I quickly tore my gaze away to look back at Inuyasha and could clearly see the fear in his eyes.

Neither of us were planning on having him turn demon when Inuyasha turned human. I thought back to what I had told him earlier and realized I still believed it. Sending him a reassuring smile, I turned back toward Sesshoumaru, who was currently looking at Inuyasha with a raised eyebrow.

Out of the corner of my eye I could see Sango, Miroku and even Kikyou reaching for their weapons. On the other side of camp, Jaken was also reaching for his staff. The children glanced between the two groups confused. I breathed a sigh of relief when Sesshoumaru shot Inuyasha an uninterested look before glancing down at his hands.

Everyone began to relax until the smell of poison filled the air around us and as I glanced back at him, I found it dripping from his fingers. Shooting my gaze to the kids I nodded behind me and waited until they were safely behind me before turning back to Sesshoumaru. Rin stayed next to him unafraid and truthfully I didn't think he would try anything, but wasn't about to take any chances with the children under my care and knew he wouldn't harm Rin so she was safe where she was.

After a moment the poison disappeared, though the smell lingered in the air, and was replaced with his whip. He turned his back to us and quickly cut down a nearby tree, causing us to jump when it crashed to the forest floor. We were given but a second to calm down before a howl sounded from his throat, causing everyone to jump back, I, however, saw the tell tale sign of his elongated face and rushed forward. Grabbing a hold of Rin and Jaken, I pulled them back just as Sesshoumaru began transforming into his true form.

Within moments I was staring up into the red eyes of a very, very large white dog. I raised my eyebrow at him as he lowered himself to the ground as Rin pulled out of my grasp and ran over to try and pet him. I tried to hold back a laugh as his hind leg began to shake under her ministrations, but failed miserably.

He turned to glare at me, with a look I'm sure was supposed to scare me, but I just reached up to scratch his ear with a smile. He nuzzled me lightly with his large head and knocked me back on my butt. Glaring up at him, I could swear he was smiling at me and I couldn't help it, I busted up laughing. My laughter seemed to relax the others as they let out a collective sigh of relief.

After a few minutes, he rose to his full height, his tail slightly wagging, as he turned his massive head to gaze off into the forest. “Go ahead, we'll watch Rin.” I promised with a smile, sensing what he wanted. He turned to stare at me for a moment before slightly nodding his head and bounding off into the forest. “He'll be back soon.” I assured her as I lead her over to the camp fire where the other kids were.

“Why don't you kids go play while we finish making dinner?” I suggested noticing the others seemed to want to talk. Rin giggled as she let go of my hand and began chasing after the boys.

“What's going to happen now?” Sango wondered as she glanced quickly to Inuyasha before turning back to me.

Before I could answer, Kikyou spoke up. “He's going to have to leave. He's no longer weak and can take care of Rin, but it is far too dangerous to have him stay here now that he's back to being a demon.”

“I don't believe anyone asked for your opinion wench.” Jaken spat back at her, earning him a glare from her. I wasn't sure if I wanted to laugh or tell him to knock it off, I decided to do neither and just ignored the comment.

“I wouldn't bother even worrying about it.” I told the others as I finished up dinner and began dishing up the food. As I began passing it out, I saw the others staring at me, waiting for me to continue. “Come on think about it. He gets cursed to turn into a human and then just one day it goes away all on it's own? Some how I doubt that. More than likely it will just be for tonight, just like with Inuyasha. It's probably just a way to add insult to injury and show him what he has lost. Or perhaps the curse was cast with invoking the power of the moon and seeing as there is no moon tonight, the power could have wane. This could be any number of things, but doubt it would be over for him so easily.”

“So it is true that every half-breed has a night where they turn completely human?” Jaken wondered as he turned his attention to Inuyasha.

“Yes Jaken every half-demon has a night where they are human, and of course I don't have to tell you that it is to remain a secret, do I?” I questioned making sure to emphasize 'half-demon' hoping to break his habit of calling him a 'half-breed'.

“Of course not miko-san that goes without saying.” he assured me with a nod and I smiled down at the small demon.

I had just settled the children down to bed, other than Rin who insisted on waiting up for Sesshoumaru to return, when said demon returned to the camp still in his true form. He laid his massive body down and within moments, Rin was braiding flowers into his fur. 'I really gotta ask her where she gets those in the middle of fall.'

After a few minutes Sesshoumaru turned his head to glare at Jaken who quickly headed toward Rin. “Time for bed Rin.” Jaken told her as he began to lead her over to my sleeping bag where Shippo was already sleeping. Rin, however, had other ideas and instead curled up against one of Sesshoumaru's front legs. He glanced down at her, turned to look at Jaken and laid his head down on his paws.

Jaken glanced at me confused and I laughed as I reached into my bag and handed him one of my extra blankets. With a shrug, he walked over to her and placed the blanket over her form before turning and heading to rest against Ah-Un.

As I glanced around the camp, noticing I was currently the only one not sleeping or at least trying to, I thought back on what the others had said earlier. It was only a matter of time before he was being back to being a demon full time, and while I didn't believe for a moment that he would just turn around and attack us at that point, truthfully I had no idea what was going to happen when the time came.

This line of thinking of course made me realize that we hadn't even started trying to get him back to being a demon. It wasn't that I wanted him to stay human, he just wasn't Sesshoumaru though I really wasn't sure if that was a good thing or a bad thing yet, but I just hadn't had the time yet.

I had been so busy trying to get everyone used to each other, dealing with the problems Kikyou started, getting annoyed by Kouga, searching for shards and dealing with four children. It's no wonder I can't sleep at night, way too much on my mind. Not that I would really want to change it.

Well I could do with out Kouga causing problems if that dang wolf could just get it through his thick skull that I don't see him that way. I of course could do with out Kikyou causing problems just because she thinks she should be in charge. And I really wish we were finish collecting the shards rather than starting over again. But other than that I wouldn't want to change anything.

Deciding to stretch my legs, I began making my way around the camp, covering up anyone who's blankets had fallen. When I got to Rin, Sesshoumaru turned his massive head to glance at me in question and I merely smiled at him before making my way over to my sleeping bag. Figured if I couldn't sleep, I could at least rest my eyes.

The next morning I awoke to the sounds of a hanyou Inuyasha complaining about being hungry and wondering where breakfast was. Really you'd think with as much of his life that he spent on his own, he would be able to make his own meals, but than again that could be why he didn't want to. Could be making up for lost time with out a family.

Mumbling a quick, “In a minute.” I stretched out and rubbed the sleep out of my eyes. Glancing around the camp I spotted a very human Sesshoumaru glancing down at his claw less hands. I really hoped that I had been wrong, some times it sucks to be right.

As I was getting out of my sleeping bag, he glanced over at me and I gave him a slight smile. He stared at me for a moment before commenting. “You knew.” It wasn't really a question and I guess he could tell I wasn't surprised he was human again.

“I kind of figured as much. It was far too easy. I've dealt with curses before and they are not the easiest things to break.” I replied with a shrug as Rin awoke and gave him a quick hug before coming over to the sleeping bags and waking the boys. It was funny how it didn't matter which form he was in, he was still her Lord Sesshoumaru and it didn't faze her for a moment. I smiled thinking that she reminded me of me and Inuyasha.

As I got up and began making breakfast I turned back to Sesshoumaru. “We should start looking into ways to get rid of your curse. I'm sorry I haven't before just too many things on my mind. We should be able to find a sorcerer to undo it, one who is just as strong if not stronger than the one that did that to you.” I told him with a slight smile.

“What makes you think it was a sorcerer miko-san?” he questioned and I thought back on what he told us when he first showed up human, and truthfully he didn't say it was a sorcerer but that was really the only option.

“Well the only two types of people or demons that I know of that cast curses are sorcerers and dark mikos. A dark miko would more than likely just kill you rather than curse you. Care to tell me why she cursed you?” I inquired, remembering he refused to tell Inuyasha when he first got here.

“She wished to be this Sesshoumaru's mate. This Sesshoumaru does not mate with snake demonesses.” he replied after a moment looking rather disgusted. I thought back on the snake demons I had seen over the years and if the girls were anything like the guys, couldn't really blame him.

“Well as we travel, I'll make sure we question each village we come across. We're bound to hear of one sooner or later.” I assured him with a smile as I turned back to breakfast as Inuyasha began grumbling from his tree again about starving.

As soon as breakfast was over, our group was up and moving hoping to find more shards soon. Or at the very least a demon to fight to rid us of some of our boredom. As luck would have it, we had only been walking a couple of hours when my senses began to tingle.

“Incoming shard Inuyasha!” I called out from my place in the back of the group and watched as everyone readied themselves for the battle. The kids quickly moved to get behind me, boxing Rin in, as I pulled the bow from my shoulder and notched an arrow.

Sesshoumaru and Inuyasha both unsheathed their swords as they glanced around to find where the demon would attack from. Kikyou readied her bow just as Sango pulled Hiraikotsu off of her shoulder and Miroku moved his staff in front of himself. The last of the group to be ready was Jaken as he moved over to me and stood with the Nintojo ready.

Just as I was about to tell them which direction it was coming from, the demon crashed through the tree line and charged straight for me. Inuyasha jumped into his path before he could reach me, and began pushing him back with his sword.

Glancing quickly over the demon, I soon spotted the tainted glow of the shard he had in his right arm and told the others as much. The demon, however, seemed to want to ignore the others and continued trying to get around them to get to me.

Rolling my eyes with a quick, “Stay here.” I began moving away from the children and the demon quickly turned to head after my new direction. I glanced up at Kikyou and caught her eyes, after a moment she nodded. Returning it with a slight nod of my own, I continued moving until I was directly across from her.

The others continued to try and fight him off, but he would just swat them away and again try to make his way toward me. Guess he figures that as long as he can get my part of the jewel, everything would be okay. Fighting the urge to roll my eyes at him again I looked up and nodded to Kikyou.

She pulled her bow taunt, waited until the others were out of the way and released the arrow. A pink light surrounded it as it shot through the air and pierced the demon's back, purifying him instantly. Shouldering my bow, I walked over to the pile of his ashes and quickly removed the shard. It became untainted with my touch and I added it to the others.

After a quick check to make sure no one was injured, we turned and began walking again away from the battlefield. The children began to play games not long after as the adults started up conversations to help the time pass more quickly.

It was only a few hours after the demon attack what we met our next problem on the road. We had just been walking along, minding our own business and searching for any signs of shards, when a group of monks came out from some where in the tree line and tried to attack Inuyasha and the other demons in our group.

“Hold on a second!” I yelled as I moved in between the monk and Inuyasha. The monk glanced at me for a moment before ignoring me and moving to go around me saying something that sounded like 'demon begone'. I once again stepped in front of him and stopped the ofuda (Shinto talisman) that he was trying to place on Inuyasha's head.

“Remove yourself from my path miko, we shall converse when we have destroyed the vile demons.” the monk commanded not bothering to look at me as he moved to go around me again.

“We shall converse right this second because if you think I'm going to let you attack my friends for no reason other than the fact that they are demons, you are sorely mistaken.” I told him as I grabbed a hold of his staff as he moved to hit Inuyasha with it.

“Fear not miko once we had dispatched of the evil that is tainting your mind you will be all better.” he assured and I couldn't tell if I wanted more to laugh or scream at him. 'Me? Tainted?'

“Stand down monk. I am the Shikon no Miko (Miko of the Shikon jewel).” I replied coldly knowing full well that, that would get their attention. Seeing as I had more important matters, I decided to ignore the snort that came from Kikyou. “And don't you ever dare accuse me of being tainted again monk, you will not like the consequences.”

“If you are the Shikon no Miko than why do you travel with evil, filthy demons?” he demanded and before I could stop myself I slapped him.

“You will refrain, monk, from insulting my friends. You happen to be standing before the group who destroyed the evil hanyou Naraku and stopped his plan of using the jewel. You should be thanking them, not insulting them.”

“I would not even converse with their filth let alone thank them. It truly is a sad day when the Shikon no Miko stands with demons of her own free will.” the monk spat back at me and I had to refrain from slapping him, and boy did I want to at that moment.

The monk began to ignore me once again and motioned to the others behind him, who begin to move in toward us. 'I can not believe this idiot. Inuyasha alone could defeat all of these monks at once and they think they can beat us as a group?'

“Monk listen to me very carefully before you do something you 'will' regret. I am the Shikon no Miko and as such I have been set on my path by the Kami (Gods) themselves, do you truly wish to anger them?” I questioned as watched as the group hesitated for a moment. Taking that as a good sign I continued, “Wise choice, now be on your way before my friends are force to defend themselves, for I assure you, you will not be able to defeat them.”

After a moment, the leader gave me a dirty look before turning and walking away with the rest of the monks following him. I breathed a sigh of relief and turned back to the others. “You really think you're on a path set by the Kami?” Inuyasha wondered after a moment giving me a strange look.

“Nope.” I laughed, “I was bluffing, but they don't know that. Seriously think about it, if it was the Kami, they sure have one weird sense of humor. I am a reincarnation of the last miko to be in charge of the jewel and was born with it in my body. On my 15th birthday I'm pulled down a magic well 500 years into the past only to have the jewel get shattered and have to chase down all the pieces.

“Then just as it is almost complete I had to shatter the jewel again in order to stop the bad guy and start my quest all over again. If this is really how it was meant to be, I had to have messed up my karma badly in a past life.” I told him with a smirk realizing only after that the past life I was referring to could have easily have been Kikyou's, not that I meant it that way.

We had only be walking for a little while after our run in with the monks when I finally got tired of Kikyou trying to burn holes into my back. She hadn't stopped since we started walking, for once Sango and I in front of the group, and it was getting on my last nerve. I was still pissed at the idiot monk and was in no mood to deal with her, which of course didn't seem to matter to her.

“What?! What do you want Kikyou?” I demanded as I turned around to face her, stopping the group from continuing on unless they wanted to run into me. She merely continued to sneer at me and I was caught between wanting to scream and wanting to slap her.

“I am the Shikon no Miko, not you. You are no more than a pathetic copy. And as such it is I would should be leader, not you.” she finally spat back at me after a few moments. Deciding slapping her would do no good, I did the next best thing. I screamed at the top of my lungs causing the demons to flinch and cover their ears.

“For the love of Kami!” I screamed as I began to jump up in down in place, fisting my hands at my side. “You are no longer the Shikon no Miko you lost that chance when you died. You failed at the job both in life and in death. You wanted to use the wish to make Inuyasha human so you could live your life as a normal woman, think that's really unselfish? I do not think so.

“And had you not been so involved in trying to get rid of your responsibility you would have seen 'his' trickery for what it was and things would have turned out much different. But instead of embracing your path you turned from it and ended up getting yourself killed. All 'he' had to do was show up as Inuyasha and you fell right into 'his' trap.

“I on the other hand have not been fooled by 'his' illusions, 'his' trickery, curses 'he' set up through a dark miko, 'his' attempts to mind control with 'his' infant and even Kagura trying to infect me with a tainted shard. You prove time and time again that you should have never been in charge of the jewel while I prove myself worthy.

“And get this through your thick head Kikyou, you will never be the leader of this group. Not unless I hand over control which I have no plan on ever doing as I do not see you as worthy. This is my pack, has been from the beginning and will be at the end. Get used to it.” I screamed and closed my eyes as I tried to get myself under control.

“This is Inuyasha's pack not yours and as his intended that makes me the female in charge.” Kikyou spat back, not bothering to try and cover her disgust. This girl was really as thick headed as Kouga it seems.

“Wrong again Kikyou. This is my pack. Every member of it is here because I want them to be, including you. However, everyone else is here because they have proven themselves worthy of it. You on the other hand, I want you here only because of Inuyasha. Take a look around Kikyou, take a good look. Every single one of them are here because I wanted it so.

I unbound Inuyasha from the tree, I wanted Shippo to join us, I asked Miroku to join us, I pleaded with Sango to stay, I brought my brother here, I talked Sango into letting her brother stay with us, I allowed you to stay for Inuyasha, I decided Lord Sesshoumaru and his group could travel with us. Notice any pattern here? No? Let me spell it out for you then. This is, has always been and will always be MY pack!

“And Kikyou it doesn't matter if you are Inuyasha's intended, it don't mean a thing if you are a stronger miko, no one cares if you're better with a bow, or if you had more training. The only thing that means a damn thing is I AM ALPHA! Get used to it or get out, those are your only two choices.”

I had started to walk away, knowing it would do any good to stand there and yell at her any more, unless of course I liked screaming at a brick wall, but something came to mind and I couldn't stop myself from telling her. “Oh and one more thing Kikyou.” I began as I turned around to face her once again. “Everything starts out with a rough draft.”

Please R&R, good and bad reviews are welcome, however, I will ignore flames.