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Noobies With Cooties
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Welcome to noobies with cooties!

Noobies is a World of Warcraft Guild (Wow). We branched off another guild becuase they didnt appreciate girls that play video games. The truth is we PWON! Seeing how talented we are, they now want us to rejoin their guild! That isnt going to happen seeing how they shunned us like we had cooties or something we will stay right as we are.

Nooobies with cooties is on the farstriders realm. We are with the horde, meaning if your with alliance, sorry you cant join or hip guild.

    Alliance Breeds
  • Human
  • Gnome
  • Dwarf
  • Night ELf
  • Draenei
    Horde Breeds
  • Orc
  • Undead
  • Tauren
  • Troll
  • Blood Elf

Theres also different classes you can be. Certain breeds can only be certain classesbut, its fun to make new characters to see what class fits you best:
  1. Warrior
  2. Priest
  3. Hunter
  4. Rogue
  5. Druid
  6. Palidin
  7. Mage
  8. Warlock