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Monday, 12 February 2007
Mood:  a-ok
Topic: lucky

today was alright in the morning the doctor came in and talked to us and how he was doing. he said if the numbers stayed under 20 the whole night then he was most deffinately out of the woods for the portion of his skull being taken out. his numbers have been under 20 all day except when we started tlaking about school!!! the Doc said that low teens would be good but he's happy with anything in the teens, he also said its not roses but its not manure. he should be in the acute phase for about 4-10 more days then after that it will be the recovery phase, it's an emotional rollercoaster for everyone he said. so colby is doing well in other words!!


Posted by funky/chobby at 8:34 PM EST
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Sunday, 11 February 2007
Mood:  blue
today we still had no one seeing Colby but we had a lot of people come in to the waiting room. we started the feeding tube today and he is getting slim portions of food. his numbers stayed in the 15-19 range all day except the one time they raised him up in the bed and it raised to 31 and quickly went back down under 20. tomorrow they might do CT scan depending on his numbers today, so far it's looking good. we are hanging up everyones cards and posters in the room and we are quickly running out of room! thats a good thing

Posted by funky/chobby at 8:11 PM EST
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Saturday, 10 February 2007
Topic: colby
today was a pretty calm day, stayed under 20 all night except for a couple minutes because of a dumb nurse who know what she was doing, but other than that he stayed at a pretty stable pressure and started to cough which brought up his numbers but then quickly went down. is still in his coma but stable. we got a lot of cards and gifts. we did not let anyone in the room can still hear us but cant respond so it still stimulates his brain which will bring up his pressure so that is why we taking anyone in. things are looking up. I will soon get pictures up so be patient


Posted by funky/chobby at 12:01 AM EST
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Friday, 9 February 2007
Mood:  sad
Topic: a day of confusion
all day I was getting phone calls and people coming in and out, and Colby was getting a little bit better but still not very stable but definitely an improvement from Thursday night, we had a TON of people visiting the hospital and a lot of support, food, fruit, crying, hugs, kisses, sniffling, and sadness in the air. Colby's nurse wants the pressure to stay under 20 and the hospital put him in a controlled coma which they could bring him out of at any time. doctors were still deciding what they were going to do and decided if the pressure didn't go down they would have to perform surgery and take out a portion of his skull to relive some pressure and let it swell fully and go down naturally. thats pretty much what happened today and it was a pretty confusing and chaotic day.

Posted by funky/chobby at 12:01 AM EST
Updated: Sunday, 11 February 2007 8:14 PM EST
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Thursday, 8 February 2007
Mood:  down
Topic: colby's accident
today around 8:30-9:00 Colby had just got done lifting weights at Lee District and headed over to his friend Brandon's's house, they had some time to kill so they decided to try out a pogo stick Brandon's had recently gotten for Christmas, they were all jumping around and Colby of course having no luck, fell of and couldn't catch himself so his head hit the ground and he began to puke and have a seizure. 911 was called, and arrived and took Colby to INOVA hospital. There he was rushed to the E.R. and was strapped down to the bed and the ICP(inner-cranial pressure) in his brain was well over 50. a normal persons brain pressure is about 12 when just sitting doing nothing. they had to drill a hole in his skull to measure his pressure and had him attached to a TON of wires. by now my mom had already gotten to the hospital and all night people were coming in and out of the Vitello Dad left for the hospital around 3:30 am of the 9th and I had to stay home to watch Abby because of course a fever on the worst day possible!!!!!!!


Posted by funky/chobby at 12:01 AM EST
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