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We don't need no stinking Lawnmower!

The Captain Club Website!!!

Finally, The Website is up. We captains have been waiting for for this for years. Um, months. Weeks. Whatever. But our club still is the best. Lawnmower Club? Close, but no cigar. Snow Shovel? Nowhere near us. They don't have a website, do they?

Oh yeah, Lawnmowers has a Piczo. Bully for them. We have an actual website.

I, Wombo Captain Oxalis, strive to make this the ultimate place for Captains. And now all captain oriented websites are on the link bar on the left.

Have an idea for the site? Go to contact to and send me some feedback. Or get over to the forum and create a topic. whatever your preference is. Wanna join? Just go to contact and drop me an e-mail. I'll see you cats later.

May I reccomend the latest game we captains have in store? Find the Hidden Word!

this here is a Hit Counter. It counts the number of people who visit the site. If you wanna make it look like we're real popular, refresh the page a bunch of times. Thanks.

Reasons WHY you should join the Captain Club:
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