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~~My Lonely Bed~~

Sitting alone in my chambers, a frown upon my face
my hands resting nervously, my eyes filled with tears
my skin has been tainted, my hair not neat but unheaveld
a white gown clothes my body, a black collar around my neck
Looking down at my feet, i see the chains You had put there.

I know i disappointed You, as i have done to myself
unforgiveable acts of distrust, casue i listened to others
Honesty, trust and faith its what i should have seen
Now here i am this dieing day, alone i sit and wait
days away from You, rip my soul apart.

I thought Love is all that W.we needed, nothing more to be said
i guess i should have tried harder, to understand Your needs
instead of being stubborn and opioninated, i should have listend to Your words
Now once again here i sit, upon my lonely bed
never ment to cause any pain, or hurt Your gentle soul.

I am who i am, never pretended to be nothing more
i make my mistakes, and pay for them in the end
i am not proud of myself, for the things that i have done
but mistakes can happen to anyone, thats how we learn to grow
don't judge me for the things that went bad, rember all the things W.we had.

Jealousy is a part of me, its who i am, i just know what i have in front of me
others know what i have to, they see Your kindness and Your gentle ways
I know they want you bad, but for all the things that W.we been thru
i am not ready to go astray, I simply love you more each and every day
But as i sit upon my lonely bed, i know my time with you is coming to an end.

My head is spinning, my heart pounding with fear
my eyes cried for the very last time, my soul shattered to pieces
I am Sorry Master, that i doubted Your words, and questiond your many ways
i sit here upon my lonely bed, thinking of things that i have done
and as i come to you, and kneel Your feet, i beg you plz forgive me
and teach me your ways.

Written by Lost Soul