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(complete instructions - step by step)
(Import maps from gmapsupp.img to Mapsource)

Ref. link

  1. I presume you have installed MAPSOURCE into c:\GARMIN  folder
  2. Connect your garmin to PC via USB cable
  3. Go to your drive and folder \GARMIN\  (my example G:\GARMIN\ )
  4. Locate file gmapsupp.img or gmapprom.img (my example gmapsupp.img) on your GARMIN drive
  5. Create sub-folder C:\GARMIN\MAPS and copy gmapsupp.img (or gmapprom.img) from your GARMIN (this operation may take a while)
  6. Open this file with NOTEPAD editor or something like, locate the letters MDRW (should be near top of the file, and write down the numbers you see infront of them, my example: 378)
    (my example)
                  ! " # $ % & ' ( ) * + , - . /
    0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 : ; < = > ? @ A B C D E F G H I J K L M
     N O P Q R S T U
    (end of example)
  7. Create new folder under c:\garmin\  called FAM_number, where number is retrieved in previous step (my example would be FAM_378)
  8. Use this program GMAPTOOL to extract maps in your *.img file (this is a windows based program)
    you can also download GMAPTOOL-GUI for older version of the program GMAPTOOL.exe.
  9. Extract gmaptool.exe to folder C:\GARMIN\MAPS
  10. Run GMapTool.exe -S gmapsupp.img   (use capital letter S!)
  11. The program shall now open (see window below)
  12. Navigate to tab SPLIT, choose directory c:\GARMIN\FAM_378 (my example), give map a new name, enter the FID and PID, PID = 1, FID =  the number you have retrieved in step 6, check compile preview map
  13. Click SPLIT ALL and wait for the process to finish working (hopefully without any errors)
  14. (There is another version of the program for this MAP extraction called gpsdaemon but I don't use it.)
  15. Close GMapTool and navigate to folder C:\GARMIN\FAM_number (my exapmle c:\GARMIN\FAM_378)
  16. Check that the files and install.bat exist in this folder
  17. Now use the program called cGpsMapper to insert this 'FOLDER' into MAPSOURCE.
  18. Extract all contents (cGpsMapsper) into the C:\GARMIN\FAM_number (my exapmle c:\GARMIN\FAM_378)
  19. Go to Command prompt and run INSTALL.BAT (or double click in Windows exporer)
  20. If the maps are locked use the tool UnlockWizard.exe in c:\GARMIN folder to unlock them. (tool should come bundeled with MapSource)
  21. Use JetMouse_Garmin_kgen to produce unlock code (choose custom mapset, my example 378)
  22. Open the MAPSOURCE, the map should now appear inside (just zoom to 1km)

Other utilities SendMap.

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