I am 5,11 carmel toned, hazel eyes, black hair with braid`s Im from Louisville Ky.I be sporting nothing but DA 502 I am a poet,a singer,and im very romantic so ladies if you hear something you like feel free to get at me. I cant get my pic to work on here but if you have aol or yahoo messenger then get at me and ill send you my pic. aol:casanova009 yahoo:gemini_prince521
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Here's A Pic of my Twin boys Elijah and Izaiah. Image hosted by Photobucket.com

Here's a pic of meImage hosted by Photobucket.com
Preview of My Poetry Let me kno wat u think
"how you hurt me"
you hurt me bad it`s to painful to speak of. the way you hurt me is just unbelievable. but yet i take it just Because i love you. it just pain`s me to see that some one i care so deeply about could hurt me theway you did. the love i had and have for you is real nothing in this world could ever change. my feelings for you.even though you think my words aren`t real believe me when i say. my heart never lie`s. my love has always been here for you. You just never took the chance to open your eye`s and see that my love was always here for you. i`ve opened my heart to you many of times and still you choose to crush my heart and my dreams. no matter what you say and do my love will always be here for you.
"In My Life"
In my life all I thought about was loving you. All my life all I thought about was being with you. All my life all I ever saw was you in my arm`s. All my life has been about me and you. All my life has been beased upon the joyest of thoughts of spending my life with you.All my life I have waited for the moment for you to say I DO.
"A Forbidden Love"
everyone knows the rules of friendship but who`s the one to set those rules. if it seems rite for you and I then why should we let the rules stop us. They must have been written for a reason. but then again some rules are meant to be broken and by breaking this rule I have seen things that I have seen before and its because of those things that our love is forbidden.Its because of the feelings I have for you that I cant bear to see them out. It might be that I am afraid of getting hurt all over again. I know you said you would never hurt me and that wouldn`t hurt you but that`s not what I felt in my heart. Our Love was forbidden from the start but I was to blinded by love to see just what would happen toour friendship. It doesn`t mean thatI don`t love you its just that I wouldn`t want anything to come in between our friendship if our love didn`t last, but by the time I realized that it was to late I`ve lost both your love and your friendship. I would give anything to change the past but I cant and I`m sorry.
"My Mistakes"
In Life I kno I have made a few mistakes and if I could change every single mistake that I`ve made I would changed the one were we let someone else come in between our relationship. everyday I think back to when we were the happiest couple and remember all the good times and all the bad times we shared, and thinking back it made me wonder if i really could erase every single one of my mistakes then its like changing who I am so thats why I wouldnt change my mistakes but if it ment that we could still be together then I would chage every last one just to hold you in my arms again and to share the greatest gift in this world with you for that reason I would chage who I am if it would bring you back to me I love you and always will love you and thats no mistake.

Well Ladies Thats all for now but if you would love to know more about me then just hit me up with a note and Please leave your mark in my guest book If you got a picture then holla at me then we can exchange picture`s. Much Love

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