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Subject: Extreme Priority – The bunker Objet: Priorité Extrême – l’asile URL: (ENCODED - different) **** I STILL HAVEN’T RECEIVED AN ADEQUATE ANSWER TO WHETHER THE LOCAL MEDIA WOULD DISTURB ME OR WHETHER I WOULD APPEAR ON THAT TRIAL AND IF I WILL, I WILL BECOME ARMED AGAIN AS HEAVILY AS I WAS BACK BEFORE THE ACQUITTING DOCUMENT CAME. SECONDLY I AM ALSO NOT QUITE SURE HOW FAR THE FORMER LAND COULD GET FOR JILTING HER AND PLANNING TO LIVE SOMEWHERE ELSE WITHOUT DEPENDING ON HER; COULD THEY HURT ME BY MORE BUREAUCRATIC DIVERSIONS WHEN I WOULD TRY COMING OUT OF HERE OR WOULD THEY IMPERIL MY VOYAGE OUTSIDE? AS I ALSO DON’T KNOW WITH WHO I WILL BE LEAVING, IF FIRST LOVE WILL NOT SHOW UP THEN HER NAMESAKE CAN BE COMING WHICH I HAVE MADE PLANS ACCORDINGLY BUT I HOPE I WILL NOT BE FINDING MYSELF IN THE SAME SITUATION AS I HAVE HERE; I URGENTLY WILL NEED TO HAVE LEGAL ARMAMENT, PASSPORTS AS I LIKE AND FINANCES TO AFFORD HOUSING AND PARTICULAR TRANSPORTATION TOO; BUT I HAVE NO IDEA WHETHER THESE WILL BE MET. I HAVE MORE QUESTIONS THAN I HAVE ANSWERS AS YOU CAN SEE; AS I HOPE I WILL NOT GO FORMER LAND OR HER NORTH TO SHIVER BUT BE IN ALTERNATIVE LAND WITH A SLO PROOF OF WHO I AM FROM THE SOUTHERN LANDS BELOW THE FORMER LAND. IT’S ALSO UNCLEAR IF I WOULD BE SEEING MY REAL MOTHER IN THIS MOTHER’S DAY, AND IF SHE WOULD DIE BEFORE I REACHED FOR HER, HOW WOULD I FEEL. HAS ANYBODY AN IDEA? **** I am trapped in this mess and I don’t have many places to go, but this time I have an experience from the old case and I am determined not to surrender this time or concede to change my mind, so my troubles wouldn’t emerge on top like the olive oil poured over the water. It’s ever vital for me to find somewhere to serve as a bunker in the middle of this battlefield they call life as fire pours from every angle, some chance of asylum to exist before the mess grows nastier and uglier and this time I wish to evacuate here with my rights reserved per every social life step determined before all these happened and I wish to adjust only the timing and to accomplish them like my studies to be finalized and not kick the target I have set for myself away because of the campaign I had to face, and I don’t want my career to give me the impression of an arm or a leg lost or eyes blinded because of war since they were at war with me, no matter till a close period of time how I was unaware of it, they commenced and endured a dirty campaign against my liberties and justified it all along with the harshness they have imposed me with the right they demanded hiding behind words like needs; however my needs were never taken into account at all and they want to try me again, which is all for the sake of trying to shut me up for the reason of claiming me to abuse me better, but I have to go on even though this may have worse consequences I have to endure as this time things have grown more serious and my going becomes more of a higher likelihood of reality than Sherlock Holmes’ stories with Dr. Watson. If the likelihood grows more probable, so can the way they can try stopping me and as a result it becomes itchy for me think of such irritating ways they can try in order to take better control of my life. I had made a decision and decided not to include any party liable for this mess in my life for me to go on the way without depending on them and this just spells some factors having to do with their control over my assets and with the baby killer they had sent over me; and that’s just it since how I am, how I make a living or how I survive it all have never been very much important as this, and neither have my shelter, my clothes or wealth; the very first and the last phrase of each of their discourses had to do with controlling my life and this exactly had been the thing about the so-called “importance” of what I am going to do for months ahead of my life; and in any days ahead I do not plan to look back or live it rewinding my whole life back to live the same troubles again, as I do not plan to inherit them to next generations, those that would succeed me. Even going there if I manage to will not finalize some things, since some questions would need answers such as of who I will become and how soon can I have the ability to prove my links of nationality in the way I regard myself and in what terms would I be able to get it are still uncertain, or whether I would be met there in the same way I am treated here and whether I’d have any troubles like the ones I have had as these all make me think. I also decided to demand any sponsoring required for me to accomplish the final touch of my studies and finalize it all claiming the title I have deserved long time ago, especially if I will have to look for a school to accept my admission if I should fail to go it all with the current one and if I will have no chance to finish it all. Another point that bothers me is how far they can get in terms of punishing me for the decisions I make, which is whether I would be facing “local media frenzy” here or that I would be subject to living the same troubles from the very scratch for the choices made. That remains unclear and I do not prefer to learn it from the hard way like that fall day some 3 years ago, and when I think about this and conclude that I am facing some wheel like a rat would run inside and turn it to come to the first point started all over again, I become even more scared, the fear is a factor that surrounds me if I will be framed in a way as to be disabled from leaving here, especially in criminal senses. And I think when I look at the picture that some people are really intolerant and so much blunt because they disrespect others’ rights and come up with so deadly wrongs dictated to me and defying those rights, I grow more appalled when they hide behind some propaganda materials concerning some powers of mine and how those would be lost when I would try coming out of here; but that’s obviously propaganda since they would lose much more than I would when I would walk out of here and I don’t wish to depend on it all. When I look at the images of holes dug by soldiers to hide inside when they shell each other or when I think about the graveyards I can’t help but think if those places could have been filled with high quality earth and if people would be able to raise flowers inside or crops and if the hands bound to bear arms would bear packs with beautiful gifts I really wonder what could have happened. But when I turn back to this ugly world, I see nothing but how wrong people or wrong groups undertook all these and how little they know about flowers, countryside, the idyllic landscapes or children or lovers running toward each other to give a hug or kiss each other and I definitely think it’s sick for the former land or some party to own me and control my life since the day I was born and how they turned somewhere to become a prison became really horrendous, such incorrect, such unjust and too inhumanly to be something in the name of humanity and we look at it and feel the loath altogether; no, they have no right to do it to us and I really wonder how they sacrificed us all and in the name of what, what for? The moment they dragged somebody from the lap of his mother as a newborn baby, the way you sent it to some close-circuit community that operates with close-circuit cameras like the way in image i214.jpg, anyone whether right or wrong in terms of the method and in reason of sparing me from the very start had been wrong because to do something correct, they had done something wrong and stood in defiance to the facts that such a “mission” was based on and I look at it and want to cry for it but I can’t because I am a man of honor and the men can’t cry in the world of adults not especially before their captors, giving the wrong impression whether they are sissy or creeping for mercy. And with an uncertain look before me, I can’t tell how all these would end because what I regard at this point is nothing but focusing on more important things that are being lived rather than their sooner or later consequences. So I bid you goodbye for today sending my regards to you and my hatred to those that spared me from my real mother. Now is the time for others to talk and let them do the talking. The tape for today starts, with duration information saying about 5 minutes and one of the lines belongs to a radio station in former land and the other is a yellow pages similar company. 1: The bastard is playing the missing again. In fact if the arrest took place more seriously and was endorsed by the media he would never find a gap to revolt. I am doubtful whether sending him out will serve our interests. 2: The reality is that we are not able to move as easily as we can here, we have lost that chance and I think we missed that train long ago. The top shouldn’t have seen everything he had done but they didn’t listen to me. Now he will leave and we will give a chance for him to shut up and if he will start talking all over again, we will find another option; we will always be behind his nape and he will always feel our breath. This time the bastard will seem to get relaxed but it doesn’t mean we will let go of him. In fact letting go of him doesn’t mean his relocation. 1: Okay, I have no option else but give you this liberty, but it doesn’t mean he can leave very easily if things reach that point. 2: You may be sure it is not going to be a smooth one, especially in passport renewal he will need to go a few precincts and claim clearance from everybody involved in his detention. Also, his fingerprints will be taken too. 1: I’d rather something happened about the case and he didn’t leave but now that he does, anyway. 2: Relax, just keep calm. I will handle this. Yours faithfully, Veuillez agréer, Patrice Saulnier Thank you for visiting my page at Angelfire. Please come back and visit again!