In The Mind Of Me....

Links of The Site....

About Me
My Photos
My Writting
My Blog
Movie/Game Reveiws

Insane, Opinionated...Yet very charasmatic...

Update:(this will change everytime I update) Well I have added some new photos and there is a new blog up. I was going to update the movie reveiw section, but thought nah..I will do it when I am feeling much more Well anyway take a look at the photos and blog and such and let me know what you think.....

I feel as if I am jumping on a band wagon when it comes to making this website.
It seems that everyone is making a website anymore. There are so many "homemade"
websites as of late, that you could probally find a website about animal poop,
that looks like famous people. It also seems that eveyone has a deep meaning for
creating there website too. Can't it just be that you would rather spend
your time doing something conscructive, Than surfing the web looking for porn?
Mind you, I do not have a problem with porn. It is not only hilarious, but amusing to
make fun of as well. However, I think I should stop right there, Otherwise,
This whole entire (for lack of a better word) "Welcome Message" will be about porn,
and you will not have learned anything about me or my website, Other than my
like of porn. I guess this is almost like a first impression. You are either here, cause
I told you to come here and look at, or you are here cause the web address
was passed around, or looked it up on a search and decided to come here. Whatever
the reason that got you here, You are staying here for one reason and one reason
only. To see if I entertain you. See if I can help cure that boredom. Even if only
for 20 mintues. Well I can't promise I will do that, cause this site mostly contains
my veiws on life and other such things along those lines, like pictures of myself and
my friends, and my writting, And a movie and game review section too. If all that
other stuff wasn't "excitment" enough. (I am a huge xbox fan.) But, Before you
click the "x" at the top of the screen, I should tell you what I have to say may hold your interest, or...not..
Maybe the Internet porn could help, Who knows. If you have decided to
stay, Then you are now at the mercy of my ranting..(Which I promise is almost
done) Which sometimes, turns out something intteresting. I only ask one thing of you in return for
giving you a whole 20 minutes of "fun". The one thing I ask, is that you
sign my guest book. Even just a word, Anything. Just something to let me know
that you were here. Just one more thing, I thought I should let you know there are
cool games on my site too. Well alright they are under the Movie/game reveiw
section. Well with that said, I will stop here and move on to
rant on another section of my page.....

"Beauty of whatever kind, in it's surpreme development, invariably excites the sensitive soul to tears." Edgar Allan Poe.

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