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Civil War ABC

Abraham Lincoln- He was the president of the United States of America during the Civil War. He ran against Steven Douglas in the 1860 election. After the war he was killed by John Booth.



Battle of Antientam- This Battle was the bloodiest battle in the U.s. Civil War. Over 20,000 people were captured, wounded, or died.  No one really won but the north had a political win.

Confederates-The name of the southern states union after they broke away from the Union. The flag was called old rebel.

Democrats- This is the southern political party. The donkey is the symbol of the party.



G battle of Gettysburg-The Battle of Gettysburg was one of the major battles of the Civil War. The battle itself took days and ten of thousands of Soldiers died through out the battle. Both sides fought hard but the North eventually won.

Homes- The War left many people homeless because battles took place near homes and towns most of the time.

Iindustrialization- the north was much more industrialized before the war, because of this the north had many more factories than the south.


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Lincoln-Douglas Debates

Medicine-Medicine during the Civil War was very poor. Evection and disease was common in the hospitals. Sanitation  got better toward the end of the war because of groups like the Red Cross.





Rebels- The North gave this name to the people of the south. They used it because the southern states had seceded from the Union, making them Rebels.

Supplies- Supplies were in short supply for the south because they had to rely more on independent makers than a factory that could turn out hundreds in the time it took to make one by hand. The north also had factories that turn out uniforms and shoes, but the south did not.

Transportation- The north had more railroads than the south making it much easier to move troops and supplies to their armies than the south. it also made moving troops faster and easier

Uniforms- The north and the south had uniforms during the Civil War. The Union had blue uniforms while the Confederates had Gray uniforms.

Vote-  the right to vote was hard earned for blacks. The blacks did not gain the right to vote till the 13th amendment. Blacks could then vote but southern states passed black codes. The black codes were made to stop blacks from voting. These laws were eventually beat by the 14th and 15th amendments.

Women in the Civil War- With the men off fighting in the War, women had to take over at home. The women had to get jobs to support their families. This made women want the same rights as men. Also women help as nurses during the Civil War.


Yankee- this was the southern name for northerners. They used it as in everyday life even if they were talking to them over a distance.