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Scooby Snax
Sunday, September 26, 2004

Mood:  blue
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this entry is just about right now. Man do i feel bad. Have u ever wanted something so bad and u get it, only to have it snatched from ur hands or how u have friends that mean the world to u n try try to alwayz spend time with n all of a sudden they stop callin n comin around.......... thats how i feel right now. I think todays one of those days when im alone n lonely. Some slow songs came on the radio n i couldnt help but start cryin. and as much as i wanted to stop i couldnt. and i have to admitt, it felt good. There r some changes i need to make. I need to start lookin @ life differently. But right now i just hurt. So imma end here. I'll leave u with a poem i wrote in 11th grade that i thought of after id cried.

i just need time,
to sit n cry,
from all the pain im in.
For a lil healing,
Some time to think,
and forgiveness of my sins.
I just need time,
to be alone,
away from neone else.
Scared of the world,
on the inside a child,
searching for myself.
I need time to cry,
for everyone who,
wont cry for themselves.
Because they, too lost,
to even realize,
they are in need of help.
I want to be differnt,
set apart from the world,
so that i may be new.
And yet, everytime,
i see myself with you.
The time to cry,
to free myself,
of wut was left behind.
And through it all,
still i see u,
r all that i can find.
Time away from,
wut once was
together u n i.
Time away,
by myself,
to just sit and cry.

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