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Buff Is

Da Stuff!

-[Disclaimer]- ..::[Dis rp is VERY naughty an probablys X Rated. if u donts wanna b turned on then donts read its....but if u wanna getz hot, shorts of breath, an wet then please by allz means read it cause i aim ta pleases an i hopes dis does a lil somethins fors u. nows read da rp!]::..-[End Disclaimer]-


Peeps Mentioned Or Used Or Ridden:


Current Record:

OOC Note:

Hotel Room

Buffs Devilious Kitten

none as of now


Im Buff, Im the Stuff, and after reading won't be able to get enough!.

Buff The Stuff Bagwell

da scene opens ta shows da locals Holiday Inn. a few moments laters da cameras focus ons a hallway an pan ups ta a hotel door numbereds 234. da song 'my neck my back' can b heards blarins from behinds da door. it opens an Buff comes outs wearins a blu jeans, a baseball cap ons backwards an no shirt. hes holdins an ice bucket ins 1 hand an grinnin as he turns rounds an looks back inside da hotel room, inside is a gorgous girl relaxins in a chair at da fars side of da room. shes wearins black lingerie wit fuzzy stuff on its. Buff looks her up an downs an raises his eyebrow thens winks at her.

«ßîg §êXâÿ ßûff» ill b rights back sexay i just gottas go grab somes ice, its a lil hot in heres. maybe when i getz back we can cool each others off wit its.

da gorgous girl licks her lips sexilys an smirks as she leans backs in da chair a lil mores, showin mores leg.

*ßùff§ Ðêvï£íøû§ Kîttêñ* ok baby hurry back.

Buff stares at her longs legs for a second an grins thens nods an leaves ta go gets da ice. a few minutes pass an Buffs kitten twirls her hair as she waits fors him ta gets backs, da door opens suddenlys an Buff comes in holdins da ice bucket which is nows fulls of lils cubes. he sits downs on da bed an looks over ats her.

«ßîg §êXâÿ ßûff» sorry bouts dats baby. i gots a lil losts on da ways but i ran allz da ways back an damns u look evens betterz then when i lefts. come on overs an sit nexts ta me, i gots somes ice cubes over heres justs callins ur name.

*ßùff§ Ðêvï£íøû§ Kîttêñ* if i sit next to you, it won't be the ice cubes calling my name...

«ßîg §êXâÿ ßûff» OoOoO is dats so sexay?

*ßùff§ Ðêvï£íøû§ Kîttêñ* oh, very, but...if you don't believe me..

Buff raises his eyebrow an smiles thens takes an ice cube an slowlys runs it downs his chest as he thinks. Buffs Kitten watches him a lils an smirks.

«ßîg §êXâÿ ßûff» hmmmm....sorry i donts believe u baby. im 'Da Stuff' i make allz da ladies scream MY name, it takes a lots ta get me ta callz out. but b my guest an trys if u likes.

*ßùff§ Ðêvï£íøû§ Kîttêñ* well i'm not like "all the ladies" i bet i can make you scream MY name, instead of the other way around. in fact...i know i can..

she leans forwards a bit, da straps of her blacks lingerie slippins down her shoulders a lils as she runs her tongue overs her lips slowlys. Buff gulps an stares thens grins an pats da bed beside him.

«ßîg §êXâÿ ßûff» wellz come on overs thens cause i dont believe dats for 1 min. u gotta shows me somes hardz proof dats u can do dats.

*ßùff§ Ðêvï£íøû§ Kîttêñ* oh don't worry baby, when your throats raw tomorrow morning, that'll be more than enough proof.

Buffs kitten slowlys stands up an walks overs ta Buff an takes da ice bucket then pushes him backs, so hes layin flat ons his. he grins an looks at her as shes takes an ice cube an lightlys runs it overs his bares chest. he shivers a lil an plays wit his tongue ring as he watches. she smirks an runs da cube downs ta his tummy, runnins it rounds his belly button. Buff makes a lils sound an smiles.

«ßîg §êXâÿ ßûff» dats a starts baby but sorrys ur no wheres nears makins me callz out ur name. feelz free ta works a lils harder, i put myself ins ur hands.

*ßùff§ Ðêvï£íøû§ Kîttêñ* oh you'll get there baby. and while i'm "working harder" you'll be getting....

shes leans down a lils an her straps slide downs her shoulders mores as she slowlys runs her hand overs Buffs jeans. he stares downs at her hand an grins then raises his eyebrows an reaches up an plays wit da 1 of her straps a lils.

«ßîg §êXâÿ ßûff» MmMmM....ur goins in da rights direction baby. hmmmm my jeans r hot willz u take them offs for me?

*ßùff§ Ðêvï£íøû§ Kîttêñ* they're not the only things i'll take off for you, and if you're hot...i can use the ice again to cool you down.

Buff watches, his eyes bigz as shes undoes his jeans an slowlys pulls them offs, revealins his black boxers wit red dragons on thems an a lils bulge. Buffs kitten takes anothers ice cube an gentlys runs it overs da lils bulge. Buff shivers somes an makes a lils sound whiles he looks ats her. he puts his fingers inta her lingerie straps an playfullys pulls on thems a lil. she teasinglys shakes her finger at him then slowlys climbs on him, straddlins his waist. she takes an ice cube an puts it tweens her lips a lils then leans downs an runs it overs Buffs chest slowlys, he runs his hand throughs her hair an watches. she lets da ice drop inta her warms mouth an moves up an kisses his lip, pushin da ice inta his mouth wit her tongue. he grins an crunches its.

«ßîg §êXâÿ ßûff» mmmm....wellz now dats u gots me whatre u gonna do wit me? cause im still waitins for u ta makes me hollers baby.

*ßùff§ Ðêvï£íøû§ Kîttêñ* you'll see baby, and don't worry, i garauntee you won't be waiting long.

Buff nods an grins as his puts his hands onta her smooths legs an rubs slowlys. she takes anothers piece ofs ice an runs it overs his lips thens licks da water froms it off them. he licks her tongue slowlys whens she does dats then rubs his waist againsts hers a lils. she rolls her hips a bit an rubs her tongue againsts his softlys. Buff moves his hands back onta her ass an grins, she lets out a lils breath againsts his lips an runs her fingers downs his chest an tummy then pushes it againsts his boxers, rubbins lightly. Buff growls playfullys an bites her lowers lip.

«ßîg §êXâÿ ßûff» grrr....i like dats. im gettins hungry woulds u objects ta beins my human sundae baby? i packed somes whipped cream justs in case cause u nevers know whens ur gonna needs it.

*ßùff§ Ðêvï£íøû§ Kîttêñ* go ahead and growl baby, i'll make you roar before the night's through. mmm, i like being your sundae.

«ßîg §êXâÿ ßûff» MmMmM im beginnin ta thinks u sures as hellz can makes me hollers sexay. reach overs an open my gym bag, da whipped cream shoulds b rights on top. wheres ill b soon....on top.

*ßùff§ Ðêvï£íøû§ Kîttêñ* when will you learn baby, when will you learn? mmm, you know that's where i like you.

Buff clicks his tongue ring off his teeth as he watches her stretchs an reach overs da egde of da bed then grabs da whipped cream outtas Buffs an shakes it. she sits back ups an looks downs at him, smirkins. he grins an watches whiles she opens da can an licks her lips then sprays a lils onta her lips an leans down closes ta him, Buff closes his eyes an leans up somes an licks da whipped cream offs her sweet lips slowlys. she rolls her hips as he bites her lowers lip an pulls on it wit his teeth gentlys. Buffs kitten pulls back, sittin back ups thens seductivelys pulls downs da top half of her black, laceys lingerie. Buffs jaw drops an he stares ats her creamy, soft nakeys chest. she smirks an looks at him while shes sprays whipped cream allz overs her chest thens pulls his head up an inta its. theys both makes a lil sound togethers as he slowlys runs his tongue an mouth allz over her chest, eatins an lickin it cleans. shes runs her hand throughs his hair an arches her back a lils, pushins her chest mores againsts his mouth an lips. Buff puts his arms rounds her an breathes his hot breath ons her skin while she sprays a lils more whipped cream onta her chest. he playfullys growls as he hungrylys licks it off gentlys. shes moans softlys an grabs his hair a lils thens pulls his head backs, leans her face downs an kisses his lips. she runs her warms an wet tongue overs Buffs lips an he opens his mouth an sucks her tongue inta its, suckins on it softlys. she makes a lils sound thens smirks an rocks her hips againsts Buffs groin a lil hardz. Buff lets out a shorts breath an takes da whipped cream froms her hand then bites her tongue softlys whiles he sprays da can tweens their bodys an allz overs each of their chests till da can is emptys. he thens pulls her body ta his, their bares skin an bodys heat meltin da whipped cream somes. Buffs kitten scratches her nails downs his biceps, diggins in gentlys then Buff grips her hips an rolls over so dats hes on top of her. he slowlys spreads her legs usins his knees an lays his tweens them, pressins his body againsts hers. she makes a lils sound as Buff moves his body up, puttins a hand on eithers side of her shoulders an bracins himself ups. he gets himself so dats his chest is a fews inches froms her mouth. he feelz her breath ons his skin as he looks downs at her an grins.

«ßîg §êXâÿ ßûff» wellz i tasted u baby....i figure its onlys fair dats u getz ta do da sames ta me, feelinz ur tongue an mouth ons my skin drives me wildz. besides u stills havent mades me hollers, callz out, or moan ur name yets.

*ßùff§ Ðêvï£íøû§ Kîttêñ* mmm baby, don't you worry, i'll have you doing all three...unless you have any objections to me tasting you..

«ßîg §êXâÿ ßûff» hellz no i donts have anys objections, infact i give u premission ta tastes anys part of me dats u wants. a lils hint da hotter da skin is ta da touch da sweeter da taste is ta da tongue.

*ßùff§ Ðêvï£íøû§ Kîttêñ* good, hmm, is that a fact?

«ßîg §êXâÿ ßûff» yeah baby its dats a fact, u donts believe me try its an ull sees im so rights....u happen ta have gots me hot justs bout allz over so im likes a giant lollipop, lick me anywheres an i bets ull lick ur lips an come back fors mores.

Buffs kitten smirks an raises her eyebrow as she glances ups at him, thens she snaps her head ups a lils an bites Buffs nipple ring. he closes his eyes fors a minute an licks his lips.

*ßùff§ Ðêvï£íøû§ Kîttêñ* mmmm, i know exactly where the hottest spot is....shall i start there baby?

Buff grins an nods thens leans down an kisses her. she licks his lips then presses her hips againsts his slowlys. she puts her hands on da sides of his face as lightlys runs her tongue overs his chin, lips an cheek. Buff closes his eyes as she keeps her hands ons his face an turns his head somes, thens she kisses his neck an licks its. Buff moans a lils an keeps his eyes closeds as his 'kitten' takes 1 of his hands an puts its ta her lips thens runs her tongue overs his palm. shes pulls his arm closers ta her, Buffs bicep in his others arm flexins mores as he braces allz his weight ons its. she looks at him wit his eyes closeds an smirks thens puts his forearm ta her mouth an licks its thens bites. she lets go of his arm an he uses it agains ta brace himselfs, Buff rubs his bulge againsts her slowlys an she rocks her hips a lils under him. they both makes a lils sounds then suddenlys Buffs kitten playfullys growls an pushes Buff off ofs her an downs onta his back. he raises his eyebrows an grins as he watches her move slowlys downs da bed a lils. Buff tilts his head a lils so dats he cans watch her betterz as shes draws a lils on his tummy thens leans closes, kissin its. she lightlys runs her tongue rounds his belly button then runs it in lils circles allz overs his skin. Buff makes a lils sound an runs his hand throughs her hair whiles he watches her. she looks up ats him an winks then kisses his tummy an bites it a lils hardz. Buff moans softlys an leans his head back a lils, she smirks as she puts her fingers inta da wasteband of his boxers an pulls them downs an off. she licks her lips then bites her lowers lip a bit as shes looks at his throbbins hard on. she smirks at da effect she hadz ons him then runs her fingers slowlys up an downs da length of his erectness. he swells a lils more ats her touch then lets out a deeps breathe. she leans downs an teaslinglys blows her hot breathe onta him, he whimpers a lils an she smiles hearins him then lightlys runs her tongue rounds da tip of him. Buff stares downs at her an grins then plays wit his tongue ring as his gorgous girl closes her eyes an slowlys takes him inta her mouth. Buff lets out a breath feelins da warmth an heat of her mouth as she softlys an slowlys starts ta suck, rubbins her tongue againsts his flesh. she runs her nails ups an down his chest as she sucks a lil harderz, Buff growins in her mouth mores. shes layins justs close enoughs fors him ta run his hand overs her back softlys an down onta her ass. she makes a lils sound an rubs her teeth againsts his cock lightlys as Buff moans softlys an closes his eyes. keepins his eyes Buff rubs her ass slowlys then grins an spanks its. she moans softlys an lurches forwards a lils, then digs her nails inta his skin. Buff spanks her agains a lil harderz then gentlys gets a holds of her hair wit his others hand an slowlys pushes himself deepers inta her mouth. she moans an digs her nails inta his chest a lils mores then sucks hardz on his cock. he moans an he gentlys starts grindins her mouth, keepins a loose grip on a handfuls of her hair. she smirks feelins him movins back an forths in her mouth then she slowlys pulls her mouth back, runnins her tongue alongs da underside ofs him. Buffs kitten gentlys bites da tip of him thens sits up an licks her lips. he looks her an whimpers again then puts his hand rounds his hardz cock an strokes a lils.

«ßîg §êXâÿ ßûff» mmmm whys did u stop sexay? dids u give up on tryins ta prove dats u can makes me holler ur name? i gottas say tho u dids a hellz of a job gettins me hardz. do i tastes likes a lollipop baby?

*ßùff§ Ðêvï£íøû§ Kîttêñ* don't worry baby, i'm just getting started and you know i don't give up. you'll be screaming my name soon enough. mmm, i did, didn't, i'd say more like a hot pepper, but a lollipop works too.

Buffs kitten climbs offs da bed an smiles sexilys as she slowlys takes her black lingerie da rest of da ways, revealins her gorgous nakeys body. Buff stares an makes a lils sound then plays wit his tongue ring an grins as he runs his hand up an downs his cock slowlys. she watches him fors a mins then stands ats da foot of da bed infronts of him, he keeps starins at her an strokin himselfs a lils. she runs her tongue overs her lips then leans down, puttins a hand ons both sides of him an slowlys crawls her ways ups him tills her face is even wit his. she licks his lips an he licks her tongue whens she does dat thens kisses her. she bites his lowers lip an Buff grins an closes his eyes. she bites his lip harderz an runs her hand throughs his hair as Buff grinds up againsts her. she sits up an rests her hands ons his chest as she looks downs at him as she rolls her hips teasinglys. he lets outs a lil breath an rubs his groin againsts hers. she puts a leg ons both sides of his waist then closes her eyes as Buff puts his hands onta her hips an slowlys pushes himselfs up an inta her. da 2 eachs let outs a deeps breath at da sames time as Buff grips her hips an slowlys starts ta pushs his cock back an forths.

«ßîg §êXâÿ ßûff» u likes dis baby? i love feelins ur wetness on me as i slide my dick back an forths inside of u.

*ßùff§ Ðêvï£íøû§ Kîttêñ* mmm, you know i do baby, i just have a few complaints....

Buff raises his eyebrow an keeps thrustin in an outs as he an his gorgous companion boths start ta breathe a lils heavy.

«ßîg §êXâÿ ßûff» hmmm an whats would those b baby? do tellz.

*ßùff§ Ðêvï£íøû§ Kîttêñ* mm, you know i like it rough baby, this just seems a little too...gentle and you said you'd be on top....

Buffs kitten smirks an moans softlys as Buff grips her hips a lils more an thrusts inta her a lils hardz. he thens runs 1 of his hands up da side ofs her softs body ta her hair, he grins an makes a lils sound as he runs his hand through its then pulls it a lils hardz. her head tilts backs some an she closes her eyes for a mins. Buff rolls his body, makins her roll wit him an over onta her back wit him on tops of her. he gets himself tweens her long legs an keeps a grips on her hair, pullin its agains. she moans a lils an runs her nails downs his back as he thrusts his hardz cock deep insides of her. Buff puts his hands onta her breasts, grabbins them as he moans an moves fasterz an a lils harderz. she closes her eyes an bites her lip thens digs her nails inta his back. Buff grabs her chest a lils mores thens runs his thumbs overs her hardz nipples as sweat starts ta glisten ons his skin. his 'kitten' holds backs a lils scream as he pushes as deeps inside of her as he cans an holds theres for a second, feelins her tighten rounds his cock wit pleasure. he moans an puts his face closes ta hers then licks her lips, she runs her tongue overs his slowlys then bites it. Buffs kitten digs her nails hardz inta his back an his moans a lils loud an squeezes her breasts a bit roughlys. da 2 moans as Buff thrusts his cock fastz an hardz then he runs 1 hand downs her sweets, sweat covered body an puts it tweens her legs. she rolls her hips hardz against his an he keeps movins fastz an hardz as he starts ta rubs her clit wit his fingers. she kisses Buffs lips an moans inta his mouth an he moans backs inta hers then her bites her lowers lip an pulls on its wit his teeth. he keeps pushins his cock fastz an a lils roughly whiles he rubs her wet clit. she moans an smirks an reaches her hand downs tweens their bodys an strokes him a lils in tween thrusts. he puts his mouth overs hers an closes his eyes an thrusts deeps, fastz an hard thens moans her name realz loud againsts her softs lips. she closes her eyes too an smiles thens kisses him an screams inta his mouth. Buff pants an presses his fingers a lils hardz againsts her clit as he getz readys ta burst insides of her. shes strokes him fastz betweens thrusts an licks his lips he pants mores an grunts as he pushes deep inta her hot an wetness an xplodes wit greats force. he moves back an forths a few mores times slowlys an she rolls her hips againsts him as he does dis. da 2 lock lips fors a mins thens he rolls off of her gentlys an da scene fades ta black.....