The Wonderful World of Amber!... a Little Message from the Weirdo..

Welcome to my world. I hope u enjoy your stay. haha ok that sounded really retarded. anyway..heres the website of me!

My Favorite People

  • Matt- i miss u so much. i WILL see u this summer. lol. dont forget the cracker jacks. i love you.
  • Cassie- 'CASSIE!!!' haha 'muh-da-vay-nuh' CLAY AIKEN! SEAN BIGGERSTAFF! woohoo! FRIDAY PANTS!
  • Lara- i love you! in coach-'WOW!'lol clay should have won!
  • Vincent- you still owe me a yoohoo. haha
  • Kirsten- i am your master. you must bow down to me. mwahhhahahahahahahhaaa!
  • Marcelle- sheen is so sexy! haha can i have your autograph? lol
  • Britt-'what about allentown!' haha
  • Christine- pyscho! youre my buddy for ever! lol DEVILS KICK ASS! haha i dont watch hockey
  • Kelly- Ashleys Angel! haha youre weird. oh well
  • Alex- ENYA! SNAPE! lol
  • Rach- COR! lol 'model walk!' 'bryan! i love you!' haha that was a fun concert. i saw him before you! lol
  • Karlee- yes. i am Lamber. haha.
  • Ellia- I MISS U! come back to me! haha ok that was weird. whatever. lol
  • Danielle- i miss u so very much! lol 'betcha cant guess where my tattoo you really wanna know?' lol whale sperm! haha. dont sniff hair.
  • Christina- dave jr. haha.'the tail looks like a boner! haha youre weird too. thats a good thing, though.. i think.. lol
  • Dave- hamsters are sexy.. and so is dave! haha i can read your mind!
  • Greg- you are very cool. GO ONLINE MORE! haha can i have your autograph for when you become rich and famous? dont forget about me! lol
  • Kayla- i miss u! dont move away! haha that easter party was fun.

ok thats my website. just stuff that amuses me. lol ok well here are some of my favorite things. woohoo! lol

  • matt reichert
  • SHEEN from jimmy neutron
  • clay aiken
  • watching tv
  • tricking dave into thinking i can read his mind
  • black nailpolish
  • eyeliner
  • loud music
  • singing
  • homeroom with cassie,rach,marcelle,and britt
  • being insulted by clay(who im sure doesnt really mean it)
  • hot topic
  • going to the mall with danielle, christina, dave, and..grr..ryan
  • riding on the carousel in the mall (lol christina,danielle,dave,and..grr..ryan
  • the breakfast club(COR!)
  • bruce almighty(B-E-A-utiful!)
  • sleeping
  • AIM
  • KazAa
  • AFI
  • being w/friends
  • being alone
  • the color black
  • goldenrod cd players.. haha(aka schoolbus color)
  • acting weird
  • being loud
  • watching people
  • pretending to be intelligent
  • living up to the fact that, yes, i am a blonde.
  • knowing that at least one person in this world cares about me
  • being around christina,danielle,and dave (fun!)
  • thinking about matt :-D
  • having money
  • scary movies
  • funny movies
  • im stealing your future house from u matt!lol--->>