note : ill add more when i feel like it..for now this'll do

| reads |
[x]-5o reasons why it's better to be a woman
[x]-5o reasons why it's better to be a guy
[x]-5o reasons why it's better to be a blonde
[x]-rejected state mottos
[x]-chinese proverbs
[x]-kids answers to questions about love
[x]-the story of eve
[x]-bill gates at the gates of heaven
[x]-couple gift
[x]-why did the chicken cross the road?
[x]-28 ways to tell you have a drinking problem
[x]-16 things to do during your driving test

| optical illusions |
[x]-duck or rabbit?
[x]-old woman or young girl?
[x]-old man or a couple kissing?
[x]-face or the word 'liar'?
[x]-woman or saxophone player?
[x]-vase or two faces?
[x]-lines: bent or straight?
[x]-how many legs?

<~take it back now ya'll

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