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music - puddle of mudd :: blurry

uh.hi.not really in the mood to blog.but just thought i would before i go up on hiatus or whatever.ill be gone for a couple weeks.need a break. need to think.stuff. mhmm.blah this song reminds me of someone.and i hate it.i hate thinking of them.i hate it cuz i miss them so much..jus done.=\ with that at least.
so thursday im goin to six flags.tomorrow im goin to the 2 dollar movies & seein dumb & exciting.& havin breakfast with my great grandmother.MAY go to the pool with my bro..but that's highly doubtful.i need new clothes.really bad.god im so blahish.i feel dull like stinks.on ice..yeea.hah yesterday krystina i/ms me & goes im makin a site nd it's gonna be madd betta den yers~!! and im like rofl.she said somethin like that.but the typing was the same.=) that's oh so immature.madd?isnt that like somethin you say when you're in middle school?i know i did.get over it.jeez.ahhhh it drives me crazy.i dont care what people think about my site.i use it for the blog.i never once asked anyone's opinion of it.if you'd like to say something nice-be my guest.if not.take it somewhere else because it's just not appreciated here.and i dont deal with that cuz it's just lame & pathetic.i dont do this to please anyone.i do it so that i have somewhere where i can say what i feel and feel free to do's the net-thats what it's if you have a problem at all with anything i say then not keeping you here cuz frankly i dont done.=\
so i havent been to my 'clinical therapist' in a couple weeks.which bites.i think i go tomorrow.she's way cool.i really like her & feel way comfortable talking to her.of course i do keep somethings still to myself.but it's only human nature and i've done it all my why start doing something different now?right.
this weekend im going to pennsylvania.the people tha im going to see own.they are way cool.except the guy made me watch hour of river dancing.rofl.but it was only cuz i felt bad saying no i didnt like i just sat there the whole time..ahh.crazy stuff. anyway.i guess thats it.dont really have much else to later.
»Manda« had some t0xic fantaciiz at 4:26 pm