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Finding Inspiration 1  :  Planning A Novel 2  :  Reasearching Your Novel 3  :  Character Sketching 4  :  
Writing Techniques  :  Online Interactive Story!  :  Preview Novels In Progress


Welcome to Writers Block, the site designed for new aspiring writers. It is often said that everyone has at least one good book in them. But how do you find this great work of art? We are here to help you find that compelling story within you and show you how to make a great novel out of it.

Within this site are many features to help you accomplish this. By following the lessons here, you will learn where to find inspiration, how to plan your book, different techniques useful in writing, how making character sketches can aid you, and you even have the chance to add some more to our own unique online novel to test out your creative skills!

If you want to read other people's works to inspire you, try the links below. Also, I highly recommend that you join Elfwood, as it gives you a chance to get some feedback on your work!

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All content within this site is © Sheona McCaig and Claire Casey 2005. All rights reserved.
Original Webset by Magickalmoon. Many thanks!