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For Petz 4 and up :D

The supply case, of course!SqueakyKalobKalob's favorite... the boneHoneyYum, treatz!ChanceFood...... and water


8/20/03 Wednesday
Ugh, this remodle is taking so long. Not to mention, someone TOOK the name WiCKED (I believe we had WiCKED first, but who the hell knows). It pisses me off because I checked every site on the web for a page called WiCKED (even non-petz related) and I would hope that everyone else would do the same. Oh but hell no. Don't be original, copy someone else. So, being the unconfrontation person I am, I changed MY KENNEL NAME, didn't even bring up the theory with the new site. I hope they never hear from us again. Thank GOD I didn't sign up with the PKC yet, because shit would be so screwed up (excuse my language, kids, but if you can't tell I am getting more and more furious as time goes on) with the name change. I chose something original and if anyone takes this one they better watch out : Awentia. It means "fawn" in Native American (which I am part Native American, just like 1/4, so SHUT UP). So boo-yah I will do whateva I want. If you see anything that says "Copywrite WiCKED" or "This belongs to WiCKED" then it's STILL ME and don't even ATTEMPT anything, got it? Thank you. ALso, my new puppy, Molly, got spayed. I cried last night because she was in so much pain. So I gave her a baby asprin and then this morning I made her a gormet breakfast, which was half dog food, and the other half was cheesy scrambled eggs and corned beef, with a spoon of whipped cream. She was so hungry, since she had only half a handfull of food yesterday that she completely inhaled it, but she enjoyed it alot. Also, believe it or not, my goldfish JUMPED out of his holding tank and was on the ground, covered in dustbunnies under a dresser for 2 HOURS before anyone noticed. We thought he was dead, but I could have swore I saw him move, so I put him in some water, and lone behold, he came back to life! It was FREAKY! I think I might have to euthenize him, though, because he isn't swimming right and he looks retarded :( I'll update you more. Well, I hexed a beautiful litter! They're called "Fuzzy Glove Muttz" and I personally think they're the best litter I ever made! They look like normal mutt puppies but they don't get any bigger! It's SO cool! Well, this is enough, I have to keep workng. TA-TA 4 NOW!

8/2/03 Saturday
Oooooo this is going to be one cool layout I hope... man I try but things never turn out right. So anyways... I have so many litters that I think I'm going to sort them all out by breed (or what they mostly are). My two new Cavaliers produced 4 beautiful babies, one of which I am keeping. Her name is Kisses... and through my brilliant mind I just realized something... she is the same colors of the layout! How freaky is that? So I definatly HAVE to keep her and she will be the mascot of this layout I guess. I dunno she is so beautiful. I have to get her another MB Cavalier to pair her with. So besides all that... I started a Tamagotchi Ocean. Well, it wasn't my first choice, I'll tell you that. Since I started a Tama, I made a diary on the Other page so that you can read my pains and (very few) joys of my ocean tama (if you don't know already, these things are HARD to care for!). Besides that, my puppy, Molly, is great. We fear she's part Pit Bull, which wouldn't be warmly welcomed in my fancy pants neighborhood. But I doubt they can see that.... I've been telling them that the other 1/4 of her is Whippet. They believe me. Of course. Except now I can't even take my puppy for a walk because the people down the street have 3 big dogs that they don't keep on a leash or anything, so I'm deathly afraid to walk down their and not get attacked. Scary. Besides, while walking to the bus stop the Shar-Peish one tryed to kill me. Ug. That's a first time for me. Anyways, since this dang tama is so needy, I really can't talk anymore. So blah, good bye and thanx for staying with WiCKED through this very difficult time. :) Ta-ta! (Jeez, that was a long post, but what do ya expect... this is a bloggy, my own little creation!)

The current mood of at

© July 2002 - Forever
All material on this site is copywrite by Shannon and on no condition is anyone allowed to take pictures, text, ideas, or petz from Awentia© unless otherwise stated