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um hello welcome to my web site you could find all kinds of things bout me and what i like sooo just look around and send a email to me bout what you think and tell me what it needs or what ever well im still workin on it soo just wait till im done and you see how cool it is....well i don't know what else to say but i go to a gay school called laketrail and it is so small i hate it there cause the teachers are so stupid and well its really cool out here cause there are lots of mountains and well i got a tattoo and im gettin my tounge peirced for chrismas if i have good grades so email me and tell me whats happening or something i need some suggestions or u could send me ur pic and you caould add me to msn mesenger well chat well i g2g bye... look around??????? this part is for emily if you want to add a image you type this in and in the form that its whats new @ school u people got to email me i got to know hte info but i wanna come back soon ok bye.......... the pic is called.then is it a gif or jpg"> you type this in but before you type it inyou have to find a image then save it and upload it to ur site a good site to get buttons and logos is or flaming if you want more help e-mail me These are some of my favorite site i never made them so don't get mad if i got them there just some coll and funny site i want you people to see and play or look around in so check them out and tell me bout them