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So, the matter of you visiting would be to learn more of me? Just who I am and where I have come from? Well, you my friend would be asking the wrong questions. Rather, you should be asking what are you. I many appear to be your basic kougra, save for the wild ivory hued fur tuff that I obtained. However, appearances can be deceiving, quite deceiving. I am not even a descendent of this realm, but that of another within the dreams of all living creatures. Being from this dimension of dreams, I myself am composed of the multiple imaginative images that have been created over the centuries. Though I did not start out in this form you currently see, but rather more of a plasmatic state. I have only maintained this feline like form in the last some hundred decades. My blood is not the carbon based liquid that flows through your veins, but rather silver purity that comes from imagination.

The land I descend from and was formed in consisted of the thoughts and dreams of the many ages, making my world a timeless place. If you were to imagine the your world untouched by chaos and evil in which you have come into contact with, then that would be much like my home. We are constantly visited by new faces. How you ask? When you fall into a deep sleep and visit and do things you never have for will before that is when you visit my world. Flying for instance would be one simple example if you are a flightless creature. Even pranks our sometimes played in this dream world. Those would be the dreams where you end up going someplace only in your undergarments. I was as timeless as the land itself, never ageing. As the years passed on and dreams came and went, I steadily grew in powers. I became a warrior of my dimension, one who would keep windows to the darker places of our dream land contained. These powers helped keep the dark creatures of the land at bay, though sometimes cracks would tear through the dimensions and send what you call ‘nightmares’ into a mix of your world and mine. Perhaps that is why I was taken out from my land.

Yes, I was thrown out of my world through a window that was torn apart in attempts to shed darkness upon the world. The Faerie Jandora was to seize neopia with the creatures from the dark dream world, though she failed in attempts to tear the dimensions enough. Or perhaps she knew of my kin and rather break the defense. This I will never know. With her dark abilities, Jandora tore apart the gates, ripping the dream world into ultimate chaos. At that time that I was unable to hold my ground against the forces Jandora was using to break the gates between dimensions. I tried to seal the tear before damage was done, but to no avail. Though before I was torn out into your world by the portal she had used in means for the demons, I was able to seal the gate, allowing no other’s to escape.

Outside in this world none would take me more then your basic kougra. I have learned that I appear much like the elusive kougra that has been blessed by the faeries. I have even come to learn that I still maintain my dream abilities. I am able to create dreams if you will. They are only are temporally so don’t start wishing upon my head like you would a trolls belly charm, or a cybunny’s foot. No, I don’t do that.