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 Thanks For The Animation Kristen!!!

General Info:           Friends is under construction!

Welcome to my page where either you will stay and look around or run away with fear of catching the stupidity.  Well that is my theory, you may have your own.  Well this is my first site and obviously not the best one but hey I like it so you people that don't can just leave!!!  To the left is an animation of a weird looking thing that I found on my home computer.  Well what more can I say..........not much, well continued below.

More General Info:

Well, welcome to my site and have fun looking around.  I'd have a guest book, but since this is a school site we don't have many options for this.  Well its not a school site anymore.  hehe  I'll probably add one later after I have this checked out for a grade (if possible).  Well....I got my grade, made a 90 on this; WOO HOO an 'A' for Tyler.  lol  Down below is an email address so you can email me your comments and/or suggestions.  I also have MSN, Yahoo, and AIM (not A.I.M. haha Sammi) so yeah ask me if you want my s/n(s) and/or address(es).  Well have fun and I'll talk to you people later.  Catch ya on the flipside.  Peace out!!!


Last Updated: 06/15/03


Email Me