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My Artistic Pictures

Carla's Art Photography
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Please excuse the mess on this page. i am currently working on it so it should only be a week or 2 more b4 it is finished. this picture is of a barn that is located between the towns of athens and princeton. i just felll in love with it and asked the owners if i could take a few shots. they all turned out rather well.

This picture of a sunset was taken right ourt side my home in Princeton west virginia. that one thing west virginia never lacks is beautiful scenerey and the sunsets and the sun rises are spectacular.

this was a picture taken at mertyle beach a few years back. I had tried for 3 years before this to get a picture of lightening but this was the 1st year i was sucessful at it and i came away with 4 or 5 different lightening pictures. more of wihich are to follow on this page.

I'm sure you've heard of this place. It has figured prominently in numerous cinematic features by Toho studios. But in those films it is always portrayed as a desolate island, overrun by monsters.

Although Monster Island is a real place, the proprietors do not want the location to become too well known, fearing that twould then be overrun by the greatest monster of all: man. So my trip there was planned in secret and I had to remain blindfolded during my flight.

But it was all worth it, Monster Island was the best vacation I've ever had. Being able to walk up to a 20 foot high bug was just about the coolest thing in the world. I thought the giant ape and other "Monsters" on the island would be in cages, or inaccessible, but tare quite friendly and accessible.

Although Monster Island is a real place, the proprietors do not want the location to become too well known, fearing that twould then be overrun by the greatest monster of all: man. So my trip there was planned in secret and I had to remain blindfolded during my flight.

Although Monster Island is a real place, the proprietors do not want the location to become too well known, fearing that twould then be overrun by the greatest monster of all: man. So my trip there was planned in secret and I had to remain blindfolded during my flight.