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If you are looking for more help on HTML then your probably interested in purchesing "HTML for the Beginner" you will learn how to setup a basic webpage using Note Pad, Microsoft Word and a WebPage viewer like Internet Explorer. This Diskette includes an introduction on Microsoft Word and a html basic webpage lay out on note pad with creating forms, logins with passwords, creating basic tables, creating a text area and much, much more. send $4.99 and $1.49 s&h to:

      1330 Pottery ave.
      Port Orchard,WA

If your are already done with basic html you might be interested in purchesing "HTML for the Advanced" which includes help with making popups, Guest Books, Message Boards and much, much more. send $4.99 and $1.49 s&h to:

      1330 Pottery ave.
      Port Orchard,WA

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What WebGraphic programs do you have? Check all that apply. Adobe Photo Shop
Jasc Paint Shop Pro

Please choose the item you wish to purches HTML for begginers
HTML for the advanced

Help Line Tech Support Hot Lines
HTML Help (360)876-4001 PC Help (916)359- 1147
JavaScript Help (360)876-4001 Mac Help (916)359-1147

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"Web Page Builder Help" © 2003 Llama Lord incorprated All Rights Reserved