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Weather in this weather page i will be talking about clouds. To be more exact I will be talking about cloud shapes. There are 3 main types of cloud shapes cumulus, stratus and cirrus. puffy clouds with flat bases are usually cumulus clouds. They usually are formed by convection currents or air masses coming together. Stratus clouds are usually in layers of clouds they dont have any shapes. They seem dull and dreary and not the best clouds to look at. They can form when air masses meet or when a layer of air is pushed up the side of a mountain range. They may also form from convection Cirrus clouds are basically made of ice chrystals. They are formed when there is very little water vapour in the air, the dew temprature is very low. These conditions the air rises very high to reach the dew point temprature. the water vapour turns from a gas into a solid by the process of deposition. Ice chrystals form instead of water.