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The Volga Principality



Black List






"As sure as the current, as strong as the river."

The Slavic have always been known for their offensives -- are you in?

The Volga Principality was never intended to be a kind, generous guild. Nor was it ever meant to be very accepting of outsiders. Diplomacy is mainly viewed as a tool to find out who should be invaded and who would be good at helping the Volgan hordes dominate. Considered neutral because of their complete indifference towards the battle between good and evil, they couldn't care less about who is who; what matters is whether they will begin an invasion or not.

Their headquarters is essentially an underground maze-fortress directly underneath the Volga itself, allowing vessels to be sent on expeditions, crusades, or anything else the Tsars and their Komitet feel they need to do. Tunnels are currently being dug to let the Volgan hordes travel to many different parts of Rhy'Din in secret, perhaps to "agressively absorb" other organizations.

The scholars who have taken up home in the underground town in the middle of the maze-fortress have called the Volga Principality everything from "a militaristic oligarchy" to a "father-knows-best state," expressing their opinions as they design new weapons and propose new plans to be put before the Tsars and the Komitet. All of the Volgan citizens are required to benefit the state in an approved manner and in turn recieve free housing, food, and occassional gifts, but because of the almost unending war-effort, must currently provide money for themselves.

The Tsars include the founder and the elected head of the Komitet. Having almost supreme authority, the Tsars remain benevolent towards their own numbers as they order their armies to begin marches upon other guilds, clans, or anything else that catches their eyes. The Komitet, just under the Tsars, are people appointed by the Tsars and elected by the people. Able to command most below them and represent the general populace before the Tsars, they are surprisingly powerful indeed; a member's mere facial expression may change the decision of a Tsar. And finally, there are the citizens, most of which in the army but still many operating as merchants, farmers, blacksmiths, and the like, fueling the Volga Principality's coffers and supporting fellow citizens. Even with all the work, the citizens remain loyal and content, usually, and enjoy rare public executions.

To join the Volga Principality, fill out an application and send it in the mail to Tsar Vladimir Kazakstov ( and wait for the acceptance letter.

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