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Vampires are amazing creatures! They are more of an infection than anything, but if you look at the myths you'll see they never age and are difficult to kill... There history is some what questionable. I have found some information and study them a little. I am hoping to make this site a success, if so I will buy more space. Feel free to email your comments and any pictures you may want to see on this site. Although it is still under construction I hope to have more ready in a few weeks. Thank you for visiting this site and lets not forget to thank angelfire for their free space.

I have found so much I would like to put on the page that I haven't had time to do so and most of the information I have I have seen on other pages just reworded... To change this imbalance I would like for you the view to email me new info that you would like to share with others... I will place it on the page with your name (please use something like a nick name) and you will receive full credit for you work... Also I would like to put a few poems or quotes on the page but I want to use the viewer’s poems so it you have some you would like to share please email them to me with your name/nick name and I will be glade to post them.

Anyone who doesnt like the pictures on this web page I am sorry but theres nothing I can do I just write the scripts they send those in themselves...

Dracula's history

Vampire History

Information on vampires

Vampire Name

About The Page Owner

Warning!:Must be 18 or older to view this page.This gallary contians parcial nudity.

Vampire Pictures I

Vampire Pictures II

Vampire Pictures III

Angel pictures

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