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Unattempted Originality

Council Members

Unattempted Originality

Long Live Punk! Er... Something Like That
Links (For now... more to come, I'm sure)

Guild Home

Member of the Month

Cooking Pot Recipes

Here is where a savvy HTML LIbrary user would place another link

A "hyper-link" could go here

U.O... Nothin' better, loves!

Unattempted Originality

There are people in Neopia who aren't afraid to be themself. That's who this guild is for. It's not for flowery, sheltered kids who think the world is perfect. It's for the more mature people who understand that people have the right to be rebellious. Yeah, some people may call us punks or goths, or even posers, but it's up to us how we want to be labeled, if we want to be labeled at all. This guild is for those of us who aren't afraid to speak the truth or our opinions. It's for us... the true unattempted originals.

Soon to Come

I'm thinking about doing a contest with Amy Jo (9 Lives leader), Freebies, Good shops, and some other stuff that I can't think of but will come to me in the middle of the night...

Eeeek! Guys, look! Aren't you proud of me? We kind of semi have a webpage! *Foolish grin*... As for the links, the only one worth clicking is the top one. All of the other ones are linked to the Angelfire homepage... Soon enough, I'll put other links up there, but come on... I'm only human. And a busy human at that!

Finally, I believe it is finally time to give Kaz props for the amazing home page at The whole mohawk guy? Allll Kaz's work. Not only that, damn... this man is so incredibly gorgeous! >.< One final thing... I know the colors are incredibly ugly, I'm working on it... But hey... at least links are slowly appearing! This week: Member of the Month and Cooking Pot Recipes. Look for a contest coming up soon!
