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this is sephiroth he is featured in most of the pics on my site

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Visit my pics pages there are heaps of pics i have heaps more so they will be added soon k but if u dont like final fantasy dont look at the pics

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Final Fantasy 7 Story

Your name is Cloud Strife and you are one of the best of the best, an Ex-SOLDIER member. Free of that organization you hire yourself out as a mercenary. Now, you suddenly find yourself facing the very Corporation that created you and become entangled within an enormous plot that could decide the fate of your world. Take careful note of your allies' strengths and weaknesses as you progress through this immense tale of love, laughter, anger and hate. Pay close attention to what is said to you, and choose carefully what you say to others. Every action you take will have an impact on the lives around you.

Character Bios
