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Tyson's Notes

The School

Hogwarts is Real home

A Beginner's Guide to Transfiguration
Transfiguration- Turning an object into another object.

Chapter 1- The basis of the spell

The definition of Transfiguration: How us witches and wizards change one object into another.** Learning the Physics of an Item-


Learn the ratio of one items weight to another's.

It is easier to turn something heavy into something not as heavy, than to turn something not as heavy into something heavier.**

there is a ten pound range of weight with objects.** ex. the success of turning a 1 1/2 ounce stapler remover is going to be easier to transform into a 1 ounce pen. Then turning the 1 1/2 ounce stapler remover into a 1 pound stapler.


you must change your pitch as you say it. Usually you start out lower and end up higher at the end of the spell. **


A spell might be spelled the same, but if you say them differently they do different things.** ex: the words read (I'm reading a book) and read (I've read the book). One is pronounced like "reed" and the other is pronounced "red". They are spelled the same, but sound different, and mean different things. Just like some of the spells we will be learning. The three most important things in Transfiguration are weight, pitch, and volume.**
Grade - Great job! 15 points will be awarded to Ravenclaw. Wow. Aren't I just so original and clever?