Council Rules neopets neopets neopets neopets
Welcome to the guild!

Hiya!! Welcome to the guild webpage. We have come a long way with this guild! Please remain active and DONATE! Thanks!


Meet your council, these are the people that will mostly provide you with the help that you need and the services within the guild.

Gothic Faerie (spiteprojekt) - currently makes the guild layouts, and is running the main Slorg Competition.

Friendly Faerie (kittympride) - Owns the donation shop, the healing shop, gives the newbie packs out, AND is the guilds avatar queen :)

Sparkle Faerie (brandifairy) - In charge of the lottery, she is also the one who came up with all the cute names for the guild hierarchy, and she is the font queen. You need a font to match your avatar? She will help you! :)

Angel Faerie (angel_mina20) - Helps with contest ideas, and will start some of her own.

Preppy Faerie (chatgirl1137) - Owns that food shop to make sure you keep your pets well fed and looked after, also runs "Guess that PetPet" when she can.

Layoutİ 2004. Thankyou to neopets for images. Site Maintained by Twitzdid_clown, ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.

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