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..::Simon Says::..

Yes! Yes! Ladies and gentlemen.. Mentally challenged, homosexuals, and lesbians, allow me to introduce myself as the always volatile.. somtimes hostile.. Simon Raluz. And I am the Truth. Even though "the man" attempts to hold me back.. I'm still the Truth. Surrounded by liars, jeopardized my life by living around degenerates, but I'm still the Truth. Kicked outta High School because I was considered a distraction to the educational process. I've traveled through the complete metamorphosis of the justice system, and I'm still..

the Truth..

I've been hated, discriminated, protested, and demonstrated against. And no, my name isn't Slim Shady. But I'm STILL..

The Truth..

Yes, the Goddamned Truth..

The most rejected, disrespected, when I went for a job I was never selected. But I am still the Truth. And right about now, I find it quite serendipitous to see that all of you some-timin', wishy-washy, two-faced, back-stabbin', coniving hypocrites have accumulated here in my midst. To persecute my character with such flagrant slanderousity, but I counter-attack by calling it constructive criticism, and all of your negativity has been recycled into motivation... And you know what?!

I am still.. the Truth..

Amazing Grace, how sweet the sound, that saved a wretch like me. I once was lost, but now I'm found. I was blind; but now I see. There's a lot of people out there who can identify with me. Yes sir, I'm for the poor white man, black man and all human beings that have no rights. So put down your past, pick up your future, follow me as we journey through the Red Sea, cause I have been to the mountain top, I've seen the Promise Land, my eyes have seen the glory of the Underground Category. My mind has been delivered. My spirit has been reinstated from the Corporate World's modern-day slavery. I've been emancipated. Free at last! Free at last! Fuck a drug test, I'ma roll a joint. A-E-I-O-U, and sometimes W. 'Cause I'm high, cause I'm high..

..::The Conspiracy Proceeds::..

::Scene opens on a roof, with very few lights. The moon shines bright. A steady breeze flows through. The camera fades in, too see Simon Raluz leaning on a A/C box. He's wearing a white sleeveless shirt, loose blue-jeans, and Timberland boots. Smoking a cigarette, Simon lets the smoke spill from his mouth, as he begins to speak::

Simon Raluz: So America is now at War? Psshh.. I've been at War, my whole life. When I step out on the streets, it's war. And there's a lot of shit, I hate about America. But when it comes to War.. I'm behind America all the way. It's my home. I will stand for it. And I will die for it. It seems as if most who live outside of America, despise America. And yes.. jealousy is a factor. See the irony?

America will not fall. We will stand tall. Proud. With self-respect. And anyone against America, in ANYway.. Can suck my fucking dick, without a condom on. And that's from the bottom of my heart..

::Simon starts to pace around, slowly. Looking at the camera every few seconds, and grinning::

The HaRdCoRe Invitational? What a fucking disappointment. Next subject?

Demoness? Heh.. Long time, no talk, huh? I heard what you had to say. Very interesting. I didn't know you felt that way. And I remember going through your window. ::Grins:: 'Member that? But uhh.. I'm not that skinny punk, with braids, anymore. I've shaved the head, and put on some pounds. But deep down, it's the same ol' Simon. And I must say, it's nice to see you around. We left each other on bad terms. But that's the past. This is the present. If you ever need me, I got your back, gurl..

::Simon winks at the camera::

I see you're just as gorgeous as before. And in love with Radek? Eh? Well, ya'll do make a good couple. Have a lot in common. And I'm glad for you. You seem to be happy. That's good. 'Cause, I remember when you didn't seem so happy. I guess, Radek must be doing somethin' right..

Why am I talking about this? Because a part of me, wanted to be, what Radek is too you, now. But it didn't work out that way. Nothing never seems to work the way you plan it too. And it's all gravy.. I wish you nothing but the best, with Radek.. And remember, if ya ever need me.. I mean EVER need me. I will be there for you, cutie..

::Simon shows a slight innocent smile, jumping onto the ledge of the roof::

Okay.. lets get down to business.. My next match?

::Simon takes a drag from the cigarette, exhaling through his nose::

A Steel Cage Match. Against "The Wolverine" Drake Ruhwen. My former partner. A guy I have respect for. Unlike alot of peeps here. Won't mention any names, for the sake of this fed. And TECHNICALLY..

Drake Ruhwen and Simon Raluz are still the GwL Tag Team Champions. I know this. Drake knows this. And ALL of you, know this, as well. Those titles were stolen. The GwL doesn't want Drake and Simon as a unit. We'd run this motherfucker. So what? They put us against each other. Mind you, in a Steel Cage Match. Riiiight.. And just what is the point of this match? Huh? If Drake, and myself had been at each other's throat.. I could understand this match. But we're not. The GwL just wants us to be rivals. Why? Is it fear? Jealousy? What?

Wait.. How about for the ratings? Is that it? Okay..

I'm gonna step in that ring, surrounded by a steel cage. And do what I do, best. I could give a good goddamn who's in front of me. I'll knock your ass down. And I'm honored to be in the ring with Drake. Rather it be, against, or with. I think it should be a good match. No, it will be the best match of the night. And the winner? Who knows.. Who cares?

Drake is just as good, if not better than me. And Drake, whatever the outcome is, I know Tha Curse will live..

The GwL can't stop it. The haterz can't stop it. Ya heard me?

Tha Curse..

But when we get inside that steel cage, Drake.. I'm treating you like an opponent. Not a comrad. And I'm sure you feel the same way. So let's rip the fuckin' roof off, man. Show them somethin' they don't always see. And what they'll NEVER be..

Drake, you know me. You know, I don't lay down for a match. And I know you don't, neither. So let's give 'em their money's worth. Shove it in their face. And stick it in their mouth. Shut 'em up...

Hell, we both could pull a "Stone Cold" and haul ass. But what fun would that be? Let's bleed for these assholes. Beat the shit outta each other. But if I slip that SiMoNiZeR on you.. it's over, son. Though, the same goes for the Walls of Ruhwen. Which makes this match a Pay-Per-View caliber match. Wouldn't you say? And I'm not even counting that it's a Steel Cage Match..

To tell you the Truth.. I don't want this match. But I gotta do, what I gotta do. Simon says... fuck it, let's fight..

©2003-2004 Lost Mindz Productions. All material belongs to Lost Mindz Productions. If you steal anything, that's your ass. THIEF! Lost Mindz Productions would also like to thank Cursive_Souls Entertainment.