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Tyler and Tom's Website

5/somethin/03-Tom (wit friends Matt, Joey and Derek 

Found this really cool site (Its Matt's)"Hot Girls"


I just added some new stuff from htmlhear and I am gettin more. I also got up the "newz"
link of the page. It will have a few news topics and im gonna get a ton more.


I just got up the "Providence Buddy List"
section of the site, this will have all 8th,9th, and 10th grade screen names. If you would like your screen name email us at


Wow its been a while, I just fixed the "cool pics"
section today and got some new shots up, and later in the week we'll have vidoes on that page too. I just came up with an idea for the site that will make it a lot better. I'm testing it out today and if it works i'll put it up. It will allow you to listen to real sound files (such as MP3s and WAVs)instead of the crap that we have on here now. Come back tommorow for more updates!


Hey everyone i just got the "cool pics"
section of the page up and I am working on a new link called "Provinames". Provinames will have all the info in the Providence phone book (8th grade for now and maybe 9th and 10th later). The link will be password protected so nobody else can get access to all this information besides us. When this link is up email us for your username and password. Well, thats it for now. Check back later for more updates!


The site's moving along slowly, but it is moving. Tom and I just got the basketball page up and fixed up a few links. By tommorow we should have a few downloads up, and mabey another poll or two. We also just got a e-mail address up, it's Well, thats all for now. Check back later for more updates!


Hey! Just got the site up and we've got some major work to do. It'll be up and fully running by next week. We're gonna have downloads, like music and stuff like that. Also we'll have movie ratings, and the season stats for the Providence Academy Lions Boys 8th Grade Team. For right now I just put up a few downloads, desktop backgrounds and stuff like that. Well take a look around, E-Mail and guestbook will be up soon. Check out this cool site!!! Wigs Picz  

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