TSRD Conservative Book Club

Get a perspective on conservative politics by checking out books I've read and fully recommend. Click the book image to go to Amazon.com
This should be required reading for high school and college students, especially those who hold a multicultural, skeptical view. Mr. D'Souza presents a common-sense, convincing, straightforward analysis of the United States, Western civilization, and their place in the world. The other main thrust of the book is an analysis of Islamic fundamentalism why it is tied to terrorism. I highly recommend this book. If you love America, you will love this book. If you hate America, well..... don't bother reading it.

The rise of Hollywood leftist celebrities opening their big mouths about the Iraq war and Bush-bashing brought me to read this book. In "Shut Up & Sing", Laura Ingraham exposes the anti-American mindset of some of our public figures and debunks all the myths and lies that they use as talking points. Not only does she target the outbreak of elitism when it comes to George Bush and Iraq, but also their views on religion, the economy, illegal immigration, and education. Another must read.

In this book, radio show host Sean Hannity takes aim at the left-wing ideals, such as that on abortion, irrational environmentalism, feminism, affirmative action, etc. Hannity writes this book with the same passion that has made him one the country's most popular radio personalities. Regardless of political preferences, this book is worth reading and discussing.

If there was just one book out there to piss off the Hollywood leftist elites, it would sure as hell be this one. Hirsen gives a series of great examples of the hypocrisy of the Hollywood personas, especially how they live their lives is so different from the drivel that comes out of their mouths. Insightful and hilarious, Tales From The Left Coast is another one that would not let sit and collect dust on my bookshelf.

Coulter, ever known for her rapier wit and relentless defense of conservatism, is in finest form in this work, which ironically, was on the New York Times bestseller list for almost 50 straight weeks. In a homey, yet biting voice, she skewers the Left's weak attempts to project an outmoded, irrational agenda with a one-two punch only Coulter could deliver. Pointing out the liberal bias in the media and downright libel towards conservative Republicans, this is one that the people at the Times, NBC, and CNN should take note of.

Ex-radical leftist now conservative author David Horowitz takes a look at how progressive liberalism is trying to bring back the Marxist "Utopia" agenda that has impoverished countries, created famine, mass murder, and re-education. David Horowitz reflects, "One might conclude from these facts that the Left is now no more than a historical curiosity, and the intellectual tradition that sustained it for two hundred years is at an end. But if history were a rational process, mankind would have learned these lessons long ago, and rejected the socialist fallacies that have caused such epic grief." Instead, what exists in many arenas in American life today is the wolf of radical leftism in sheep's clothing, now calling itself "liberal" or "progressive" or "populist" or anything other than what it actually is. Horowitz reveals that in the past twenty years the hard left has come to permeate academia, government bureaucracy, and the Democratic Party. Those who still hold onto this diminished theory of governing will hate this book.

After exposing CBS's bias towards the news, ex-anchor Bernard Goldberg takes on the entire arrogant media elite in this must read. In this tome, Goldberg gives you an inside, behind the scenes look at the left and why they want to slant certain stories to their liking and just how far they will go to do it. It's unlikely that anyone in the media will admit their bias, but towards the end Goldberg does lay out an amusing 12 step recovery program for them. You will certainly never take network news the same way after reading this.

Bill Sammon comes along with another great tome, this time going from where he left off with Fighting Back, Sammon brings an excellent inside look at the president's time in office during the Iraq war, the liberal media's efforts to undermine Bush and his administration, the liberals that hate him, and Saddam's crimes against America and his people. An excellent read for anyone who wants "in" on the Bush White House.