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~Emotional~ Ernie Edwards

What's So Funny!?!

.:Triple E:.

Who's laughing now?

Win/Lose: 4-4-0

People Mentioned: Oni

People Used: The Emotional One

Titles Held: Deathmatch,TV Title ~Current~

{Scene opens in a very large room with expensive leather recliners and sofas lining the walls,thick wooden coffee tables and end tables,exot plans sit in all four corners and sit on top of the tables,the room is a light blue color with a black oriental rug in the middle of a hard oak wood floor,large tv monitors are mounted on the cieling and hanging down in the two front corners of the room,on the screen is the Dr.Phil show,some fat lady is telling a sob story about her illness,all of a sudden a toilet flushing is heard coming from the far end of the room,the camera scans the room and stops when it picks up Ernie Edwards coming out of what is likely the bathroom,He's wearing a pair of black jeans with a dark blue silk button up shirt,black addidas hightops and a pair of Oakley Sunglasses that are perched on top of his head,he walks over to one of the leather sofas and plops down,he puts his feet up on the table and gets comfortable,once he's satisfied with his comfortability he turns and looks directly into the camera.....}

Triple E- Excuse me fans,for I have sinned,it's been about three weeks since my last promo and for that I must ask you for amendence!Ha,I crack myself up sometimes,and with 3 different personalities,that's pretty hard to do because one of them is always pissed off for some reason.Ever since I became the DMX Television champion people have been talking about me.Well stop it!I hate when people talk about me behind my back,I'd hate to have to pay a visit to thier house in the middle of the night to get my paybacks!It's like the time when I was 10 and the Johnson boy from down the street told him mom that I was a nice kid,she told my mom and my mom told me,I walked over to his house one night while he was sleeping and I snuck into his bedroom,I creeped right past him and I decapitated every action figure he had in his toy box.I had to send him a message,I was only ten so I couldn't think of anything worse than that at the time!

~Evil Laugh~

Triple E- Now onto important business,my first title defense.The biggest defense so far in my little time as the champion,not because of the skill of the competitor or because it's the first time I'll defend the tv title but simply because the guy I'm fighting is a big bastard.He's fucking huge!I'm not worried about him or anything but damn,how am I supposed to make him have an ~Emotional Breakdown~ when I can't pick his fat ass up for it?This totally throws a wrench into my gameplan but like any other person in my position in the past,I'll compromise and make it work out in my favor.I guess I'll just give him ~Emotional Stress~ then kick his face off and score the pin,works for me!

~Evil Laugh~

Triple E- I watched Oni's promo right before you guys came and I'd like to clear something up,For the record big man,if you come running at me full steam,I'm gonna move out of the way and watch as you crash into the ring ropes,I'll be praying that the ropes stay in tact because I'm gonna whoop your ass but without the ring ropes the ring becomes the sumo circle and that's right at home for you,trust me brother,I do not want to have anything to do with a sumo match against you.I might be a little crazy but I'm not all out dumb!You mentioned that it has been said that Japanese wrestlers will never make it in America,if I remember correctly Yokozuna,the former two time WWE World Champion was a Japanese Sumo wrestler.The Canadian Earthquake let it known that he was a Sumo Wrestler.Let's see one's dead and the other one's career is dead so I guess I'll go with the census on this one.Japanese wrestlers will never make it over here because there will always be a younger,stronger,faster athlete in better shape waiting to whoop thier big asses.Oni,yours comes in the form of The Emotional One.You say you respect me,I too have respect for you.I look forward to the competition but you should change your plans because the ones that include you winning the TV Title have been canceled.I never plan on losing the title so that puts a road block in your plans!Is it going to be an easy victory for Triple E?Hell no!Am I going to walk out a beaten and battered man?Yes but with the TV title draped securely over my shoulder!Excuse me for a minute.....

[A Lady in a white nurses uniform holding a clipboard walks into the room and up to Ernie where she begins to speak to him]

Nurse:Alright Mr.Edwards,I have your discharge papers and your perscrption for 1.25 mg Alprazolam.Take one tablet three times a day.Don't skip a dose and if the voices return please call us immediately!As soon as you sign these few forms you'll be free to go.

{She hands Ernie the clipboard,he signs a few papers and hands it back to her,she in turn hands him a manilla envelope and turns to exit the room,Ernie soon follows and as soon as he exits the room the outside is just a depressing sight,the windows are all barred,the nurses station is behind thick plexi glass walls,the room is a dreary white color,men and women in hospital gowns are walking around like zombies,men in blue scrubs with large stun guns in hand hurdle up the gown clad people and send them to thier respected rooms for nap time,The nurse stops at a large set of stainless steel doors,she presses a few digits into the electric key pad in the center of them and a few seconds later ~Welcome Nurse Johnson~ is heard in a women's electronis voice and the doors open with a hissing sound,Ernie walks through the doors and as they quickly close the scene fades to black}

