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The Top Ten

Here are past Top Tens:

The Top Ten Reasons Not To Have Sex(according to an abortion pamphlet)

  1. Getting Pregnant(not unless if you use protection)
  2. Broken Heart(umm having sex doesn't mean you break up)
  3. Contracting an STD(only if the other person has one)
  4. Messing Up Your Future Marriage Relationship(only if your still banging the person when you do get married)
  5. Losing Self-Respect(i don't know bout you but i would have more self respect)
  6. Missing Out On God's Best For Your Life(What's better than sex?)
  7. Trashing Your Rep(My rep would go up if i did it)
  8. Getting Distracted From Life Goals(well my life long goal is to get laid)
  9. Feeling Cheap/Used(I wouldn't feel cheap or used)
  10. Cheating Yourself Out Of Freindships With Opposite Sex(yeaaaa...No)
The Top Ten places not to have sex
  1. In the movies
  2. In a car... WHILE YOU'RE DRIVING!
  3. In front of all of your friends
  4. In a phonebooth
  5. In your best friend's bed
  6. At Grandma's house
  7. At school
  8. In your dirty basement
  9. In the street
  10. ON-LINE
The Top Ten People I Hate
  1. Myself
  2. Mike Fredman
  3. the people who make reality tv
  4. the person who canceld the origanal tmnt show
  5. people who think i'm gay cuz of my hair(this is not only marco)
  6. the people at the oscars who though of nominating 8th mile for an award
  7. the president(you r dumb get over it)
  8. war protesters (the has started what do you think your going to do)
  9. happy people
  10. people who think the bible says gay people are bad(have you even read the book?)
The Top Ten Places to have sex:
  1. In your bed
  2. In your parents bed
  3. In a car
  4. On a washing machine, while running
  5. In a hot tub
  6. On a beach, down in the sand
  7. On a comfy couch with the TV on
  8. On a waterbed
  9. A plane bathroom
  10. In the rain

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