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hey this is my web page about this

band i might be starting so yes its going to lots of fun

mahahhaha ya any ways

just pics of people that will be in the band and stuff but we need a name so if u have an idea just instant message me at tweb59 thanks bye

this is brent i just like meet him a week ago and he already wants to start a band ha yes that right ha

this is ben hes cool ......cant think of any thing to say about u ben .....ow

this is jack yes he is jack he cant sing but he can play good

this is tyler lalala................yes he has the same name as my brother and thats kinda freaky ha ha

and this is me i just wanted to add be bc its fun too yes me 

sone we will have things so u can here us but we got to make a name first so yes thats going to be hard

but heres a realy stupid site for ever body have fun

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