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This webpage exists to help me to keep track of the stupid little sites that I make every once in a while. Most of them are related to weird and pointless flights of imagination, often performed with people like Keri, Steph, and Carrie. I am not responsible for the lowering of any unwary reader's IQ.

> Lazy Taoism: The religion I belong to. Credit for its invention goes to Hilary.

> Manly Pride: Not-quite-finished shrine to the different segments of Keri's and my personalities. The grammar of that last clause is confusing me. It's been a long day.

> Super Ninja Ancient Shepherds: Steph's and my cult, which involves us being ancient ninja shepherd who fight evil—oh, all right, bring peace—with our sticks and our flocks of ninja-sheep.

> The Flock: A sort of demented Biblical roleplay, despite the fact that virtually none of the participants are of the Christian persuasion.