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desktop calendar: december 2003 - CS-Nation members only desktop calendar
ccrap: terrible - We asked you to submit your own Counter-Crap. What we got in return is...well...this.
article: csx in san francisco - CS-Nation was invited to San Francisco to check out Counter-Strike for the Xbox.
calendar: november 2003 - Another excellent desktop calendar by Threeboy.
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click here for a larger image Kermit agrees. CS-Nation rocks! Thanks, Mrkillmatic!

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skin of the day
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csn rating: 9 out of 10
nationalist rating: 8.8/10

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Weekly Steam Update
DrMagus @ 5:16 pm - cstrike pc - 40 comments - hot topic - new!
Yes, boys and girls, it's that time again. Another Steam update will be released tomorrow morning. It's not the Wednesday release that VALVe normally does, but at least it's an update. Click on the link below to see what's new in the next episode of "Steam: The Program, The Update, The System."

[ steam changes (93 more words) ]

    » Fixed bug that would cause Steam to lock up for a long period on version roll
    » Fixed "CacheFixedFileDirectory" crash
    » Fixed problem on version roll when cache was marked as read only
    » Added e-mail address confirmation in Steam when creating an account
    » Fixed crash on shutdown of Steam
    » Tighter checking for typos when entering a WON CD-Key
    » Catch cache corruption errors earlier on launch
    » Added a new cd-key authorization step when adding a game to the 'My Games' list

CS Helper Updated
RzE's CS Helper has been updated to version 16.4. This update fixes Controls menu inconsistencies, allowing users to access RzE binds and the new "Re-buy" and "Automatically buy" options that were introduced recently.

RzE's CS Helper is an alias pack that takes the low route: it doesn't get in your way and just tries to help you play CS! Duck-jump, weapon buying, and much more are rolled into a very easy to install package.

An update to the CPL GUI should follow soon.

Proleague Commences
street @ 5:00 pm - esports - 16 comments (new comments!)
A new league has sprung up, catering for our insatiable desire for Counter-Strike. ProLeague is being touted as an alternative to Clanbase, with ladders for a number of European countries. They've also got an International ladder.

Their current prize pot consists of a gaming server for first, second and third place in every single on of their ladders. A larger variety of prizes will be coming soon, but until then I feel they're being quite generous! Thanks to Nieroth for submitting this item. Really Nieroth, you didn't have to promise those things - we'd have posted the news without offers of hot hot sex!

If you're looking for a fresh new start for your clan, you could do worse than try ProLeague.

calendar: december
MikeJ @ 3:16 pm - cs-nation updates - important - 46 comments - hot topic
And you thought we would be late this month? Guess again! The December desktop calendar is here! Rendered by Morpheus, spruced up by Juno and Nighthawk. Have a look:

Desktop calendar by Threeboy
December Desktop Calendar

Remember, desktop calendars are for CS-Nation members only. If you already have an account then get downloading mister!

CS:CZ With Sierra
Mike Booth, of Turtle Rock Studios, has posted quick word about Counter-Strike: Condition Zero on the CS Bot Forums. Here's what Mike has to say:
Many of you have been asking when CZ and/or the bots will be available.

Sierra has the final US replication master, so CZ should be on store shelves very soon. The ball, as they say, is in Sierra's court at this point.

Hopefully the wait will be short.
From what we can piece together, Sierra has had the game for a while now, yet still missed a profitable holiday release. CS:CZ supposedly went gold mid-October, which means that an early November release was possible. What is Sierra waiting for?

News Bittathon
street @ 12:59 pm - newsbits - 21 comments
Hold fast, dear Counter-Strikers. We have news, in bits!
    » If you're running Zone Labs Firewall, be warned that their latest update removes the joy of CS from your life. Version 45_530 will cause Counter-Strike to freeze up when launching an online game, so if you're planning on updating - beware! Thanks to le gritche.

    » Half-Life 2 has won a Golden Joystick award for "Most Anticipated Title" for 2004. And at this rate, 2005 too. Here's the crack. Thanks to focus_dis for the item.

    » Insane Pack has reached Version 2.0. Among the interesting changes there can be found a lovely new skin for the Riot Shield. More information can be found here.
I'm sad to say that's all we have time for. Tune in next time for more Newsbits!