Roleplay Number : 1 -- WWE-ENT Record : Wins 0 Draws 0 Losses 0 Versus : Road Dogg

WWE-ENT Achievements : ------------

I Road Dogg Wednesday is going to be the day of big daddy cool I

Suddenly nashs music hits over the p.a.system and the crowd jump to there and feet and the 7ft monster appears at the top of the ramp and the crowd goes wild and he makes his way down the ramp and he gets into the ring and rasies his fist in the air and the pyros go off and he goes and he gets the mic

|-|-\-\NASH|-|-\-\ Well hey i guess its my lucky day today huh because ive only been here a few days and ive already been put in a match with the road dogg jesse james. now this is the chance for me to show you people and the people in the back that i was worth signing into the wwe and like i said i am going to make my first opponent feel aload of pain when they get into the ring with big sexy. now you people you aint seen anything yet because back in the days of wcw i was barely nothing but now here in the wwe i am something and i will prove it i will make sure i prove it to you people. you see road dogg he is just a asshole he thinks he runs the damn place he thinks dx is coming back he thinks there gonna take over the wwe big whooop de dooooo. but road dogg let me tell you something. no one and i mean no one is going to take over the wwe whether it be kane whether it be dx. trust me when i say it because i will stick by my word until i cant take anymore of this so road dogg i think it would be easier if you put the so called dx come back on hold for a few years because its not happening when big sexy is around ohh no the only thing that will be happening is me kicking your ass on my debut match infront of all these fans who no your worthless. you see road dogg you need to understand that i am going to kick your ass on wednesday. you need to learn that i am bigger and i better than you and i am a hole lot stronger than you are because road dogg in my book i dont think you stand a chance because when i knock you down and you get back up which i dont think you will i will just keep knocking you down on your ass and believe me i mean every single thing i say so dont say i didnt warn you because i just have and you need to begin to take me seriously you need to take me for real because if you dont by the end of wednesday night it will just come back for you and knock you straight on your ass. now road dogg there is no way you should be in that big main event you dont deserve it you see you dont even deserve to be in this match with me because your nothing your nothing compared to what i am,i am big sexy kevin nash and i am going to kick every bit of your ass this wednesday on raw and there aint a damn thing you can do about it is there. you see its people like you that piss me off because people like you just think they can get put straight in the main event when they dont even deserve it. you see you need to realise your in the real world and not your own because when your in your own little world road dogg you think that you can just get what you want. well guess what you cant get what you want because you need to realise that in the real world you need to earn your shot at the gold and well your no where near it yet and i am not sayin i am either but the whole point is me kicking your ass all the way around the arena on wednesday and well there isnt gonna be anyone to stop me is there huh no no no no not even dx ha ha you see dx isnt cut out for the wwe they suck and so do you. now you say you and your little dx wanna take out evolution huh well i gotta say that its going to be hard for you because evolution so far have prove to be unstoppable and i dont think your going to stop them at all because you no that if you get on evolution nerves they are going to kick your ass because thats there style.. road dogg the point is me and you on wednesday the debut match of big big big sexy kevin nash

Jacknifed by Nash : ------ ---------- -------, --------- ------------ ------------------------ ------------, --------, -------, ------