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Introducing {THC}


Updated by - {THC}KhAoSSS - Monday May 18, 2003

Hi peepz! :)

My Name is Jorge, I am 16 Years old, living in Michigan and I play Counter-Strike with my clan {THC} (Taliban Hunting Crew).

For everyone around here who does not know what {THC} is all about, please visit all of our site.

 We exist in many countries around like USA, SPAIN and BRAZIL. This is the USA site. In Spain we have won 3 local tournaments and 2 in Brazil. We have just started about a year ago here in the US and we have a promising team of payers.

We are usually located at the fi| server at We are also planning on getting a server soon so I will keep you all informed.  

I hope that I can provide you with some interesting columns and news in the future and please excuse my "sucky" English, I'm from Brazil, If you forgot ? :)

over and out,
By: The {Taliban Hunting Crew}  Clan.


Should {THC} include a DOWNLOAD section on its new website ?

yes, go for it !
no, forget about it .