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.::Black Shield::.

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Welcome to Black Shield

To be the Number one online gaming clan is our goal. to be the vary best at what we do. planned attacks and using every legit element to our advantage. We are Black Shield we fight with no regrets.


Current Rank = 55 | ELO = 1183 | Rounds 281 | Wins 58% | Kills 309

Hey guys you have a choice sign up on the forums post info anything about yourself a picture from the web i dont care where. tell me your favourite gun i dont care just do it or i, silverbolt, marshall or one of the commanders will take action.

Current Rank = 32 l ELO = 1227 | Rounds 107 l Wins 64% Kills 130 keep it up black shield

Current Rank = 32 l ELO = 1217 l Rounds = 86 l wins = 63% l Kills = 101. good job guys lets keep this up.

Current Rank = 110 l ELO = 1072 l Rounds = 50 l wins = 54% l Kills = 52. good job guys lets keep this up.

We are now entered into the Best Website Contest at if we win this contest we will be moving over to also we need to get more posting happening on the forms to better increase the amount of updated news.

The site admin will be away from xbox live for awile due to work school and personal diffacultys. if you wish to contact the admin email him at the email listed below.

Update to site some people have asked to have the music not auto start so i have set it so that the homepage will be the only page which the music will auto start. also if you would like music to auto play on your page message me.


Copyright Notice
All Content is propertie of their respected owners everything else belongs to © ROM Productions 2004. All Rights Reserved
Black Shield is made for a 1024x 768 resolution