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From The Editor
Please let us know if you will be using
this website and would like to stop
receiving your Moosecall newsletter in
the mail.
Please Submit your items for the
Newsletter in
writing and put in the suggestion box
or email
to by Sept. 14,
2010 for the Oct. / Nov. 2010
newsletter. .
If you are submitting an article, please
email it or place it in the Newsletter Box
in the Social Quarters. Please
remember to include your name on
articles placed in the Newsletter Box in
case I have questions. Please check the
calendar for the deadline date for
submitting your articles. Thanks.
Kathleen Blaisdell

If you have any Information for the
website or any corrections let me
know, Please Send any suggestions,
ideas or information for the website to
Alicia Blaisdell-Daly

Also, If you have any pictures you
would like to share to be included on
the website please send them to me.
