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Stuff ~N~ Things



This was a really hard site to create! It includes a few of my interests and things i think are neato. i hope you enjoy but if you don’t…oh well!

My musical interests are anything excluding most rap and most country!! ALL pop! lol…i prefer metal or old rock…mostly hard stuff or things with meaning….i like to write poetry and short stories….What do YOU like to do?




 First off i’d like to say i’m a juggalette and i wanna give a shout out to my homies and their homies and their homies, homies. i’m full of love. secondly i am pleased to inform that i will be attending the hollow wicked show in detroit on 10/31/03!!!! needless to say, i’m excited! mflc!


LATE BREAKING NEWS: I need to quit smoking!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


                                                                                                              i’m still practicing the same religion so all those damn christians can LEAVE ME ALONE because i’m NOT going to conform to what they believe. i’m kind of lost on my path lately. the gods aren’t talking to me. or if they are, i’m not listening so regardless there is lack of communication and i’m not sure what to do there. but i think i will be okay!



                   This Sexy Little Chick is ME! hehe…so i lied about the sexy part…




                        i’m a member of the tripple nipple club. so is my best friend’s boy friend. infact, we are the only members. lol!


Here Are a Few pictures of my friends. My bestest friend Katie delgrosso isn’t on here. i don’t have a picture of her so i used someone elses i found on the internet. they don’t really look alike but it was cute!   

 This is DAvidness! Aint he sooo Cute!

  This is Jena!!! She is cool…full of attitude. But that’s why we love her!!! i lub her!

this is ron. he is my bestest, best, best friend! he has taught me sooo much. i lub him muchess!!! he is very successful…he is a godi and a business man and a counsoler! WOW!!!!


Now these are obviously not real people below! they are “images” of the friends who pictures i don’t yet have scanned. the picture i chose for them describes their charactoristics pretty good! the names are below the picture!


katie acts like herself and no one else. i respect that! i chose this pic because it kinda looks like her and that’s how she dresses


this is ben because he is scary sometimes and the face desribes his perfectly when he is plotting against sopmeone. and he ALWAYS is!

and this describes about everyone else i know lol!



Anyone want to chat with me e-mail me at either or !!! i’d love to hear from ya!!!!