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An unknown sound to ruffle in the bush, but nothing to be seen. Nothing to be scented but the earth. Another ruffle. Darkened day, the clouds had been blocking the sun, threatening to rain. The perfect time for a dark hunter to take pace. Threatening growl echoed over the baron plains. Trees cast their dark shadows, shrouding the ground making it hard to spot anything that lurked your first... second... tenth? scan. The wind ruffled the tall sweet grass, making it fold over. A thunderous sound was heard overhead, making another threat to rain. One drop.. Two.. a million.. Rain fell from the ebony clouds overhead. Creature lurked in the darkness, the wince of essence a scared animal would have picked up if it had concentrated would not be picked up in the rain. The clouds growled again as the rain picked up the pace. Anything below would be drenched by now. The dark hunter cared not, for it was not the hunted. It feared not the rain or the angry sounds the sky made when it threatened to rain upon the earth, or even the pellets down fall of the liquid. In the distance the clouds gave off another roar and then expressed its anger in the form of electricity. The lightning bolt hit the ground not far away from the hunting grounds. The force strong enough to illuminate the dark hunting ground. The light was bright enough to cast an ever so sudden shadow of the shadow stalker. From darkness held, young timber wolf brute leapt before thee. Optics of malice burn into the souls of all who look into them. "Mistress Kirik dwell within this dominion. Enter those of purest darkness lest death await."
