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i will happily watch you all explode.

i like explodey things

especially the red and blue ones.

thank you for your time.


people have been disappointed by my attempts at being cool

*About Me *     * Sarah*


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6- 02 -03

9:24 pm. 

Added more useless shit. Links and stuff etc. Oh yeah.. ive added a web-counter thingy. i know you are excited!


World war 2.5? 

Xylophone anyone?

Does anyone else find this scary?

Do not underestimate the power of midgets!

7:32 pm

I woke up an hour ago. Yay.. i guess. I fell asleep this afternoon at 3pm, after doing nothing for 3 hours. A real strenuous day. Yesterday was groovy. I went to Lancelin with my father, it was much better than i expected. There will be Photos coming soon, as soon as my father sends them to me. It was really quite interesting, we went on a dunes tour on 'Desert Storm', a unique kinda uber dune buggy, it was like a school bus on a 'big-foot' chassis. Vehicles generally leave me cold, but this was different, it was so vulgar, so deliciously Yobbo. It was quite an interesting experience, hooning around in the dunes, with midnight oil blaring, packed in a 1970's school bus full of japanese tourists. I stayed last night at Sarah's house, that was grouse. We got those cool cyclone icecreams and went for a walk through lesmurdie at 2 am. I played on a slide in  park.. Oh it was grrreat. We also had some camera fun, not exactly hijinks but.. perhaps semi-hijinks. Some of those photos will be posted when i receive them. I hope you're looking forward to that time as much as me!

4- 02 - 03

5:30 pm

Wow, another day. The highlight of today was going to see Sarah at work. We went to kings park at ate subway under a tree, it was grand!. As you may have noticed.... I HAVE A GUESTBOOK!! oh yes, its so exciting. I am thinking that tonight i may add a people counter (which will be a waste of time, as no one will visit this) and maybe extra pages.. if i can handle the effort. Who knows, maybe i'll even add links and pictures.


3 - 02 - 03

Well, its the morning after big day out. Im not as sore as usual, now that is strange. Overall it was a grand day out. I GOT TO SEE JANES ADDICTION!!!! i had been waiting 7 years for this, 7 long years goddammit!!! WOOOT!  They were even better than i expected, when they played 3 days and  Jane Says, i almost wept... almost... im not that much of a pussy. Also, Queens of the Stoneage were great, played an even better set than the last time i saw them, like in 2001 (?), which would have been pretty hard to do, considering they were awesome in 2001. MGF. Deftones, Milencolin and Rocket Science were also grouse. I wish i had brought my camera.


31- 01-03

Well hi there fellows, friends and mortal enemies. I am currently unemployed, lacking mind altering substances and bored. After much procrastination, i have decided to make me a web page. A random, lo-fi sac of pus on the festering, pimple infested skin of the internet.

sounds groovy eh?

I can assure you that this will most likely suck... and when i mean suck... it will suck hard. oh yeah

However, I do like my colours. mmmgreenandblack