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Silly Poems by a Silly Grrl

Hello and Welcome! My Name is Kara

That is Me with Dreyfus. Yes Dreyfus is cuter than cute (I got him from my cuter than cute boyfriend so that does help) and for all of you who RPG and know of White Wolf's Changeling RPG.  I swear he is chimerical. I am aware that you can't see most of me and that is probably for the best. What? Oh you WANT to see me? Well it's not for the faint of heart.

Now you can't say I didn't warn you. Yes, that is me, in my room. I live with my rents and my cat Moochie. She is the best!

There in her fuzzy faced glory is my Stinkerbelle, my Moo. She is really a sweet and tolerant animal, even if she thinks she's an attachment for my laptop and gets in the way from time to time.

So, about me. There really isn't much to say. I'm a student at Middlesex County College. This is my second semester there and I want to major in Psychology. I have a WONDERFUL, AMAZING and TERRIBLY TALENT boy friend, Chris. He is my heart, he is my sanity and he is WAY too far away for my tastes right now, but all in due time right? He has a website too which rocks beyond belief, even if he hasn't updated it in a bit. *smiles* love you honey..

I have many amazing friends, who are now family. While two have specific roles (my big brother, Mark and lil sis, Val) all of them mean the world to me!. And amazingly all are terribly talented too!!! God how did I end up with all of these talented people around me???

Mark writes when hasn't stuck at work (or helping Chris and Val keeping me from a complete melt down). His descriptions are amazing and he pours his heart into everything he does. He is a friend among friends and he always will be there to watch your back.

Val writes, she draws and she never gives herself enough credit. She is my Lil Sis and I am terribly protective of her! We understand each other in a way I never thought a friend would. Jan, swears we're clones of each other and YES I'm older! Its only a few days, but I'm still older!!! She too has a website.

Then there is Kim. He is the bomb! He GMs most of the PBEM RPGs we're involved with and he deals with me bugging him, ooh ooh can we play this, I had this GREAT idea  nothing but trouble huh, Kim? If you want a GM, if you want the best, you want Kim.

Chris, surprise surprise, also has a website. He claims to be a figment of Chris imagination, but that's not true. He is, however, rather.. unique and loves elfies and kitty girls! *smiles* He even draws them from time to time! (See it's a group oozing of talent!!! How did I end up there?)

The group has become more like a family then just a bunch of friends. We have other friends that come in our little group, Ken, Martin, Michael, but mainly on any given night the boys are chattin with me and I'm messaging Val like crazy. I also have others I game with, Drew and Paul and Ryan who all stand out and are amazing friends, great listeners and fun to cause havoc with! Which is something we can do quite easily.

Now, since this is called Silly Poems by a Silly Grrl, I should point out that yes I do write poems. Now I never claimed they were good. In fact most are rather bad, but I still write. I am going through finding a safe way to post them on the site and will do so in the near future for those who aren't faint of heart and will chance reading them.

Pics of My Friends

My Links Page

My Writing (SoonTo Come)

Other Info (Soon To Come)>

Updated on October 12, 2002 (if anyone is keeping track)

Oh and BIG thanks to Markers for helping me get my website up and running right.