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Whisper In Silence

Welcome to my site. Still under a lil construction but i hope what i have up catches your interest for now...all pics and backgrounds were found at www.elfwood.com so plz don't take the pics without looking at their site.
Enter if you think you have the heart....

Email: sin_is_bliss7@yahoo.com
Silence What is silence? Silence is a never ending spiral of our lives, It brings us joy, And it brings us anger. Silence is there with us when life is brought into this world, Silence is there with us when death has taken it's course, It expresses the pure beauty of love with never a single word, It shows us sorrow and tears, Silence comes with pain, Yet always helps us to smile. It can call upon the worst of torture, It can tame the heart And never let it know fear. Silence is our mentor and friend, Masked as our enemy. Many try to hide from it, Drown it out, But none-the-less it'll always be with us, We are scared of silence as we are of death, But death is only inevitable, Silence is eternal, Embrace it as if it were your only companion, For it is equal with life and will never part.